A Year for Stepping Up

A Year for Stepping Up

Stepping Up in 2017Before embarking on another year, it pays dividends to reflect on the year just gone.

For me, 2016 was one amazing year and an example of how any formal goal setting can actually hamper our progress. So-called “SMART goals” are better than having no goals at all. Perhaps where they are not so smart after all is that they can lead us to manifesting the ego’s desires, rather than to follow the soul’s calling.

p.s. my two meditations, Just Imagine and Just Be, from my Meditations for Relaxation, lead us to a much better outcome all round.

This Was 2016

By way of example, this is what unfolded in 2016, all of which I had definitely not planned !

What’s Planned for 2017?

So, in retrospect, 2016 was one of my most successful and productive years yet. That said, and on reflection, I know now with hindsight I could have done things better. Knowing too that planning might not be ideal, how can I hope to improve on 2016 in 2017?

The key lies in setting goals based on what I’d like to learn, which is :

  • How to take my meditations to a wider audience with speaking engagements and virtual presentation opportunities
  • How to develop, deepen and mature the many co-creation opportunities that have come my way
  • How to create meditations that help specific groups of people and address specific issues
  • How to get my books on to the bestseller list
  • How to monetise my new found skills as an interviewer and take my podcast from 200k listens to 2 million and beyond

Having a Meta-strategy

When we set ourselves a meta-strategy, what I have found happens is that all the resources we need seems to pop along just when you need them. By sharing your strategy with others, the perfect co-creators seem to pop along just when you need them too. So here goes …

My meta-strategy is to help awaken humanity, and the planet as a whole, to the next level of consciousness

There, I have said it – now your turn – pop yours in by way of comment below. You never know who is reading this who might be able to help you achieve it !!

p.s. if achieving any of the above appeals to you and you want to know how, I’d be delighted to help, get in touch !!

This is 2011

2011 is destined to be an enlightening year for many of us as we move into the main transition phase of 2012.

In 20:20 hindsight, I can see than 2010 was a year for laying foundations and clearing residual karma – see That Was 2010

2011 will be about us coming into our full power and being open to what arrives as opposed to pushing water uphill.

As a result of what I got up to in 2010, here’s the new initiatives I already know will be happening this year already …

Note, as they all came about because of books I wrote last year, the first initiative is an innovative author mentoring programme that starts next week on the New Moon to help others do the same …

Initiative 1:

Mentoring authors to write a business or personal development book within one lunar orbit – starts next Tues – places still available

Also writing a book myself at the same time on how to do this …

Initiative 2:

Train more Master Chefs in how to make custom recipes from Flavours of Thought

Initiative 3:

Take more people around the Cube of Karma

Initiative 4:

Finishing off my novel, Soulwave … following a lovely and unexpected review of the short story version I published as an iPhone app last year

Initiative 5:

New book on light bulb moments being published in June – new career as platform speaker and business catalyst to follow