What’s It Like Living Timefully?

Me TimeThis year, I have launched a philanthropic initiative to share the Living Timefully resources with people with life shortening conditions.

It’s with great pleasure that I am able to share (anonymously) the feedback from one of the first people who took the program under this scheme.

If you know someone who could benefit, they can apply for complementary access here …

1. How did you come across Living Timefully?

Through Lea Woodward who gave me the link to your free Be Calm meditation. Then from there I got to learn and discover more about your work.

2. What did you hope to gain from taking the course?

To reduce or try to handle my stress better. After using the Be Calm meditation, I felt it could be most helpful with handling my stress. That is when you started generously offering the Living Timefully program to people who like me need help to handle the little time they have. It felt like really timely indeed.

3. What did you learn from taking it?

I learned a lot about myself and my relationship with time. Starting with discovering and putting on paper where time goes was a life changing exercise, literally!

It has allowed me to see and come to terms with different aspects of my life as it is today, that were previously blocking me from moving forward with my life and projects or that were keeping me in the same loop.

I have confirmed something I knew yet did not know about the past, future and present. With the meditation from the Future Time week, I was able to actually get messages in and from time that have proved really useful.

4. What was your favourite take away?

Would you believe before your Be Calm meditation, I was not much of a meditation kind of person? I had tried meditating in the past but was never able to get deep with it. That free introductory meditation really made a difference.

Second the feeling that the threatening pressure of time has greatly receded in my life.

5. How would you describe it to somebody if you only had 30 seconds in an elevator

It is an online program over 10 weeks, every week you receive access the videos and audios giving you a greater outlook on life as we see it. You gently, slowly get to realise there is not only more to life than meet the eye there is deeper, higher, wider and then more too. It is a soft, gentle, step by step journey that releases its effect over time as you build the routine in your life. It is very practical with manageable steps everyone can apply and enjoy.

Be Calm

The Gift of More Time

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I woke up one morning last week with an idea. I realised that my Living Timefully Self Study programme could really benefit those facing life threatening conditions.

Less than a week later, that idea has been realised. It is now available completely free of charge to anyone with a terminal illness – and people have signed up already and reported some amazing benefits.

I’ve mentioned it to a few people and perhaps quite rightly they asked some questions of me, I thought my answers back were worth collating and sharing by way of this blog.

Q1 : Why would someone who is ill want to spend any of their precious time taking a time management course?

Living Timefully is unlike most time management programmes. It explores how we perceive time and how we can alter the speed of its passage. So, some people might want the clock to go quicker and some might want to slow it down. People who take the course will learn how to do both and take time under their control.

Q2 : Does the course help with the healing process?

When I developed the course, I did not have healing in mind. Yet people who have taken it report it’s made them less stressed and even cleared up headaches. As the course contains over four hours of meditations and visualisations, this perhaps is no surprise. It is well accepted now that meditation improves well being and increases vitality. So while the programme is not designed to heal per se, it will aid and assist with any conventional or alternative treatments being taken.

Q3 : What does someone need to take the course?

The course can be taken on any device with han Internet connection, like a laptop, tablet or smartphone. The exercises are best done with earphones on and for some you will need pen and paper. It even contains a guide on how to create Bucket Lists. Each week, over a 10 week period, an email will be sent to give access to the next set of ‘Timeful Tasks’ to complete. An hour or so of time a week is all that’s needed. This gift is a gift for lifetime so all modules will be accessible when needed should events mean a week gets missed out.

Q4 : Why are you giving it away free? What’s the catch?

Because I can and there is no catch. I want to give something back for all the blessings I have had bestowed on me. People who sign up will not be upsold to or encouraged to opt in to any sales schemes or scams. I take data privacy very seriously and the names of people on the programme will not be shared with any third parties. If people do benefit from the course and want to share their experience, I would appreciate testimonials but will use them anonymously.

Q5 : How you get proof or check that people are suffering from a life-threatening illness?

When people request access to the course, they won’t get instant access. I ask them to share a little about their condition. I will only block obvious scammers and spammers. Also, I have ways to ‘tune in’ and tell if people are genuine – the clues to how I do this are in Weeks 5 & 7 of the course.

Q6 : How do people request access?

Just go to www.livingtimefully.com and fill in the Request Access form.

Q7 : What if I have a question not addressed here?

Just add your question by way of comment below …