Some Moments with Lillian

I had the great pleasure yesterday of being interviewed on the Waking Passions show by the wonderful Lillian Ogbogoh about my new book on light bulb moments

You can tell the skill of a good interviewer by what they get out of their interviewee. I don’t think anyone has ever extracted so much information out of me in just an hour.

Thank you Lillian for such an enjoyable chat …

You can listen to it here …

and the two visualisations I mention during the show are here

How to Quieten Your Mind

Pebbles on a rippleThanks for signing up to for the free How to Quieten Your Mind MP3.

You should get an email shortly with the download link – so check your Spam filter.

If you can’t wait, then you can listen to it here …


Change the way you think and add hours to your days

Many time management systems teach you how to better prioritise and how to beat procrastination. This system is fundamentally different – it shows you how to change the speed of your thoughts, using meditative and mindfulness techniques, so you change the subjective passage of time.

Learn how to control your own Personal Time Machine – your Mind.

This ecourse contains over four hours of mind altering exercises and visualisations to take you into altered and heightened states of consciousness. The programme is simple to follow, completely safe and also very, very relaxing.

Take some Time Out to give yourself more Me-Time and you will get your investment back in this revolutionary time management programme in no time at all.

Manage Your Time with Mindfulness

This course on bendy time is based on bendy pricing – you only pay what you can afford