Welcome to The Adytum
To find out the sort of things you can learn in this special place, download this free guide …
… and start your adventure in this special school of alchemy with one of my free sample modules
The Adytum in a nutshell
The Adytum is a sacred space for safe, rapid transformation for those who would love a little more magic in their world and hold the desire to live a more blissful and wondrous life.
In times gone past, an Adytum could only be accessed by clergy. This space is different as it’s open to all.
Having studied with esoteric schools for many years, if not many lifetimes, much of the material I’ve seen has been made overly complex and, as a result, somewhat inaccessible and unfathomable. Such obfuscation is sometimes done purposefully.
The aim here is to make the esoteric and obscure into the exoteric and accessible. At the same time, what you will learn here will lead to practical real world results.
“I now realise that money flows as a byproduct and result of being abundant and increasing my promise.”
“What I love about the way Tom teaches is how grounded, simple to follow and actionable he makes it all.”
“I have completely altered my relationship with time and had no idea we could stretch the speed of time, just by changing the way we think.”
”Tom is a true master at his craft. If you’re on a path to spiritual awakening, Tom’s teachings should definitely be in your bag of goodies. “
the outer sanctum
The Outer Sanctum is a repository of alchemical techniques that all lead to practical, beneficial outcomes and real world results. To give you an example of the sort of tools available, you will find two modules that are completely free.
The first free module deals with Healing Alchemy will never be charged for as the gift of healing is exactly that – a gift and not something to be monetised.
The second free module is called Abundant Thinking – this partly deals with money alchemy but is about true abundance in the wider sense of the word.
By making these two modules freely available, it demonstrates the ethos of this special place. It also helps you deal with any dis-ease that may be holing you back and helps you manifest the money energy which you may choose to re-invest in learning even more alchemical techniques.
They also mean that there is absolutely nothing to lose by taking the first step into a magical life today.
These two modules are augmented by eight other modules in what is the Outer Sanctum. They are all examples of practical and contemporary alchemy
What will you learn in the Outer Sanctum?
… how to live a life you love, with people you love.
… how to have more time with things arriving just in time.
… how to tap into light bulb moments on demand.
… how to transmute the external world through meditation.
… how to use numbers to improve your luck.
… how a book can virtually write itself.
… how not all thoughts are what we think of as our own.
… how your soul path can be revealed to you.
the inner sanctum
The Inner Sanctum is an invitation-only space for advanced explorers where I share esoteric glyphs which have never been shared quite in this form before. You can also train to be a practitioner in the magical tools you will find in this special place.
Those who travel into this space will undergo a transformation that has been described as ‘a death-less reincarnation’ and ‘software upgrade for the soul’.
You will evolve into a wide-awakened soul and enter into a state known as The Synthesis, where you become adept at dispensing a merger of both female and male magic.
The process is a mix of self-study and 1-2-1 mentoring, interspersed with group sessions where you will meet others walking this path along side you.
This training is so specialised and focussed that I will only personally mentor and guide 12 explorers along this path to awakening at any one time. Note that there are some prerequisite steps to take in the Outer Sanctum before you will be ready.
A typical re-birthing process stretches over nine months but some souls take just nine weeks and others might even stretch it over nine years, or even nine life times. This process is non-prescriptive when it comes to how long it actually takes as you will be largely working outside space and linear time.
Your consciousness will align with the cosmic will …
… which brings an end to all struggle and strife.
You will truly know why you came to be …
… how to do what it is you came to do.
There will be no need to find your path …
… as it will open up right in front of you.
You will evolve into the next phase for humans on the earth plane, as a soul incarnate