Five Reasons to Start Living Heart-fully

Heart chakraWe humans have an amazing, special and magical ability that we often take for granted. We can think.

From quite an early age, most people gain the ability to talk to themselves, and each other. As a result, from when we wake up in the morning until we fall asleep, our mind starts a-chattering. Many do not give this a second thought from one day to the next.

While the ability to think is an amazing feat for sentient star dust (i.e. Us) to pull off, it has resulted in the thought forms from our lower mind centres being swamped and overlooked. You will know what I mean if you have ever said, “I wish I’d trusted my gut” or “My heart was never in it”.

From an energetic perspective, this ability to think and talk comes about from a level of communication not yet recognised by many, if any, neuroscientists. For starters, not all thoughts emanate from our brain as it is as much a receiver of thought as it is a generator of thought. Our seven main internal chakra centres are also communication portals. It is the one right in the centre of our brain, the pineal gland or Third Eye, that picks up many external thought forms. It can be tuned in through the practice of mindfulness meditation.

The ability to talk involves intercommunication between this sixth chakra point and the fifth chakra point, the throat chakra. Around 1 to 2 million years ago, humankind got “The Word” and this magical ability of self-talk and language was conferred upon us. We are now on the cusp of the next stage in evolution where we become able to take conscious control of our heart chakra, as well as the chakra centres below. The result of this shift has a few prerequisites and many consequences.

What happens when we live heart-fully?

#1 : Loving what you do

Just imagine if each and every day you could wake up and do just what you love to do, with people you love. Think about what is stopping you from doing that right now and imagine if such barriers to doing this could vapourise.

#2 : Loving who you are with

Imagine a world where the people you want to be with turn up, just like magic. Whether it’s the perfect clients or business partners or friends or a soulmate you are looking for, imagine if they just found you.

#3 : Loving where you are going

If we are worrying about tomorrow, we lose focus on today and our efficiency drops. When we entrust our decisions to our heart and gut minds, we will rarely put a foot wrong. It is both a simpler and a safer way to be.

#4 : Loving who you are

All love starts with self-love. This is not love of a narcissistic kind but one where we love ourselves for who we are, what we do and what we can do for others. It is difficult to ask others to love us if we don’t start by truly loving ourselves.

#5 : Loving who you might become

It’s said that the only thing you can take with you is your evolution (and that the only thing you can really leave behind is your art). If the most amazing life is within your grasp, just around the corner, it would be silly not to take that next step – and another and another.

There is a version of you in the future who has achieved all your heart’s desires, and more. The only person in the world who might prevent you from being that person in the future is you right now.

Living HeartfullyHow and where do you start?

I have been fortunate to live a charmed life. I have been blessed with many gifts but also experienced many frustrations. When I switched to living heart-fully, years of turmoil and inner-struggle disappeared and a new world opened up for me. I want to share the secrets of what I have learned with others.

Two of the gifts I have received were an engineering mindset and the ability to channel. The former lets me build ‘stuff’ and the latter gives me access to information that I do not know. This is called claircogniscence.

Using the principles above, I was nudged into creating a chakra awakening programme that seems to switch people into a new mode of existence and awakens a new level of consciousness.

I’ve called it (or had it called for me), Heart-full Living.

Watch this short video with Hannah Smithson who was the soul who nudged me:

And start your next phase of evolution here …

Heart-full Living

The Noos Channel

Avanoo Logo

I am really honoured and excited to be a member of a new group of authors with a ‘publisher’ called Avanoo who has introduced quite a revolutionary model.

For starters, the ‘publisher’ doesn’t create books but ‘Noos’ which are 2 to 3 minute audiovisual delights to open minds and expand horizons …

‘Readers’ don’t take in these gems of wisdom in one sitting, they are delivered by email daily so they can be savoured over the course of 30 days.

I’m also doubly honoured to be interviewing each and every fellow author for the Zone Show Channel over the coming months!

To find out what it’s all about, listen to this interview with the co-founder and president of Avanoo, Daniel Jacobs …

And in this podcast, Daniel turns the tables on me and explores where my temporal Noos came from …

I this podcast, Annabelle Drumm – the Kite Girl – explains how our thoughts really are things and why we should be mindful of what we are thinking …

Tom Dowd explains why being made redundant and finding a new job can be a breath of fresh air …

Helene Segura on making time to save time …

Sarah McCrum explains and explores new ways to heal (or is that old ways?) …

Candy Whirley on why it takes four, not two, to tango …

Mary O’Donohue on the importance of saying thank you and meaning it …

Rita Emmett on breaking the procrastination habit …

Nancy Bartlett on turning obstacles into opportunity …

New Magic for a New Era

Tom Evans and Lilou Mace

New Magic for a New Era

I had the real honour at the end of last year of being interviewed by Lilou Mace on GaiamTV.

At the time, I had no idea what the interview would be about, what I would say and certainly how it would be entitled.

When it was first broadcast it was a bit of a wake up call for me and a reminder that I had so much to share that was hidden either in my head, buried in my heart or stuck on my hard drive.

You can watch the interview here to get an idea of what magic awaits you …

It's lead me to repackaging and relaunching my eLearning courses and workshops and to redesign them to bring magic into your world. If you are fed up pushing water uphill, these programmes will show you how to go with the flow and how to lead a charmed life.

Check them out here

… and in turn, this has lead me to writing a book about it all which is coming out early in 2015.

New Magic for a New Era

This We Know

Every once in a while I even surprise myself. None more so than when on holiday recently I wrote a whole book (admittedly a short one) that I had absolutely no intention in writing.

This We Know is an exploration into what we know and what we don’t. Furthermore, it explores how we can go about not only gaining new knowledge but how to define our own reality.

It didn’t take long to write; it doesn’t take long to read – the aim though is that it will change your world and the world around you for ever.

I started writing the book on the 3rd September and thanks to CompletelyNovel and Vook, it was published on the 18th September – and available worldwide by the 30th September.

“I downloaded this book yesterday on my iPad and have read it twice. An extraordinary book that takes us on a journey of what as a society we ‘need to know’. The postscript gave me goosebumps of excitement. For me it sets out a vision of what we could be as a society if we as individuals let go of our ego. It is a manifesto for our future. Like any great book it asks big questions, pokes our thoughts and tramples on our preconceived beliefs about humanity. It transported me back to being a child reading Arthur C Clarke and mind expanding possibilities. Tom Evans is a visionary and I hope that everyone jumps on board the party in the sky.” – Dr Linda Mallory, Founder of The Why Parent

“Wow! Tom Evans the wizard has done it again! I am half way through his latest book, and even though I probably could have gone through the whole thing in about 30min, I am stopping, pondering, loving it. It is simple, factual yet provoking. Chapter 10 is soooo spot on! As a scientist myself, it triggers memories of my times in research labs when I use to think to myself what’s the point of this since just imagining the results I want will make them happen. So cool to see a very wise man share that very thinking. Highly highly recommended!” – Dr Claire Gaudry, Author of The Power of True Learning

Something for the Weekend #002


Soulwave tells of a fictional account of a possible near-future for the Earth and humanity. It is a sober reminder of how life on this planet is special and to be treasured.

It tells of a world where the ice caps have melted, the population has renormalised and of the cosmic joke to end all cosmic jokes – as far as humanity is concerned.

It’s written to inspire people to look up in wonder and amazement and to treat every day as if it is your last. We are only here and alive by the slimmest of chances and margins. This we must be eternally grateful for.

This is a sample from the novel of the same name that is being published in 2012.
– or it is also available for your iPhone and iPad if you want a copy to keep and take around with you to share with others

or for the Amazon Kindle

Enjoy …