License for Re-Use of Ambient Music

You are free to use any of the ambient layers available for download on this page with the following restrictions:

1. They cannot be used separately without the addition of your voice.

2. They can only be used for free tracks uploaded to Insight Timer 

3. They cannot be used outside Insight Timer or packaged and sold commercially, without my permission and under separate agreement

4. Where possible, mentions of the source of the ambient track are appreciated e.g. ambient music © Siri Opli

I accept no liability for any misuse of the tracks.

All tracks remain the exclusive © of Siri Opli : June 2024

Note, when you upload a track to Insight Timer, choose option 3 from the drop down and upload this PDF
PDF of Release License for use of Siri Opli Ambience needed to upload to Insight Timer



Note, click the three dots to the right to download the track …
