What people are saying …

“Tom is a magical writer and discusses complicated subjects in a way that’s very simple to comprehend.”

“Tom’s ability to take something which is really complex and reflect it in a way that is easily understood, effortless to use and achievable, is simply superb.”

“Tom has taken the subject of mindfulness and adapted it to our hectic and demanding way of life, so that it is both a practical tool and an attainable objective.”

“Tom Evans bends minds like he bends time.”

tomography definition


What happens when a broadcast engineer switches their attention from the magic of TV to the magic of the mind?

You get a person who understands how to perform what looks like feats of magic.

Once we know how a trick is done of course, it ceases to be magic.


Tom is passionate about bringing such magic into peoples’ lives.

He is an ex-BBC television engineer turned author and meditation guide – and now a novelist and ambient music composer.

For those who are awakening or awakened, you will also recognise him as a modern day alchemist, seer, scribe, channel, oracle and mystic.

After studying electronic engineering [electrickery as he calls it now] at university, he spent 20 years in the broadcast industry and 10 years in the Internet industry, working out how all that technical magic worked.

He loves asking Big Questions and making what seems complex as simple as possible. His books are an eclectic mix of self-help and personal development, philosophical futurology, metaphysical exploration and visionary fiction. His meditations will open your mind and open your world to new possibilities.

Since discovering meditation in his mid-40s, he has used this engineering mindset to understand how mindfulness works and how we can use it for real-world applications. So apart from the obvious health benefits, Tom teaches authors how to ‘meditate’ to get inspiration and words for their books. He works with business owners showing them how to tap into light bulb moments on demand to generate ideas that transform. He also teaches how we can change the nature and speed of our thoughts so that we can get more done, of higher quality, in less time … and with less stress.

He still doesn’t know what he wants to do when he grows up!