the big ü
The Big Ü is a clarion call for people to step up to become the biggest and best version of themselves possible.
If you harbour a suspicion that there is a better world out there waiting for you to find it, then this book is for you.
If you are seeking a quality of freedom to follow your wildest of wild dreams, then this book is for you.
If you feel a sense of purpose and want to make a difference, then this book is for you too.
The Big Ü is a book in four parts, accompanied by four meditations. Together they are the precursor to an awakening of consciousness.
Your thoughts will change. Your relationship with your thoughts will also change. As a result of this inner change, your outer world will change as a result.
The Parts
- The Material World
- Duality
- Superconsciousness
- Oneness
The Structure of Each Part
- Explanation
- Four Whys
- Four Hows
- Four Energies that lead to the Next Level
- Key Takeaways
- Meditation to Awaken Your Consciousness*
- Questions to Ponder
* the meditations are included with audiobook and hardback version. They can be purchased at £4.44 separately if you get the paperback or ebook versions.