blogs, meditations, stories, music and podcasts

a moonthly journal of my creative outpourings, published on each New Moon

Welcoming in a New Reality

Welcoming in a New Reality

Well the last moon orbit, mostly in January, was an interesting ‘moonth’ that augured in the arrival of a ‘new reality’ for me. As I planned, the Outer Sanctum of the Adytum is now fully populated, open for business and...

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The Adytum is Open

The Adytum is Open

As one orbit of the Sun completes and another is about to begin, it pays dividends to reflect back and project forward. I always remind myself that every year we share on Spaceship Earth takes us on a journey of half a...

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Coming in for Landing

Coming in for Landing

This is not quite the last blog of this year, as there’s another New Moon on the 30th December where I’ll be projecting out to 2025.  Before I wrote this blog, I went back over all the blogs from the year and what a...

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Töm’s Tomes

Töm’s Tomes

Sometimes adversity and frustration can get us down. I’ve been holding on to a nagging frustration for more years than is healthy. It festered into being quite annoying recently last moonth. Something had to be done. So...

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Time Restored

Time Restored

By now, I was hoping to be announcing the release of my new course to help authors write their books using channeling. The cosmos had different ideas as the first chapter for a book I didn’t plan to write appeared in...

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Channeling for Authors

Channeling for Authors

Recent changes on Insight Timer caused me to rethink, recalibrate and reset over the Summer. This is partly to prepare for when we can promote subscription offerings via the app and partly to create a second string to my...

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Foot off the Gas

Foot off the Gas

Again I find that my ‘real’ life is emulating my art … or vice versa. We are/have just acquired our first fully electric car to go along with our existing hybrid. The existing car has all-wheel-drive so will only be used...

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Adapt and Thrive

Adapt and Thrive

This last moonth has been one where flexibility has had to be the key. The next few moonths are poised to be similar in flavour. The reason being is that my main two initiatives for 2024 are in a state of flux, with...

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Connecting Above to Below

Connecting Above to Below

As we approach the Summer Solstice, there have been many strings pulled in the Density from the Void. The Council of the Light have been busy. There’s a new TV channel about to launch with a focus on metaphysics called...

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Bewitch and Beguile

Bewitch and Beguile

Seven years ago, in May 2017, I was approached by Siri Opli who asked if I would like my daily Just for Today memes to be illustrated. I had no reason to say no so we embarked on a journey with no plan to reach any...

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A Spring in My Step

A Spring in My Step

This moonth, the plan that emerged at the start of the year - after the much needed stock-taking hiatus - is starting to unfold. The serialisation of Soulwaves is nearing the half way point and it’s a real pleasure for...

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On a Roll

On a Roll

On the 27th February, which is a year to the day since we moved out for our house refurb to proceed, my audio studio was back in operation … and I am back on a roll. What’s more, on the 28th February, the workmen left...

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New Auspices

New Auspices

So at the end of February 2023 last year, we moved out of our house ahead of a major renovation. We’ve been back in from just before Xmas but largely ‘camping’ on one floor. By the end of February this year though,...

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Taking Stock

Taking Stock

For the first time in well over a decade, I have started this year without much of a plan. I sense a New Dawn is coming, along with yet another death-less reincarnation. Over the holidays, I mind-mapped the content I'd...

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It Takes 9 Months

It Takes 9 Months

The refurbishment and extension of our home has taken nine months - this seems appropriate for a rebirth I suppose. In this time, we have relocated over 35 times, squeezed in a couple of mini-holidays, met and caught up...

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Room for a View

Room for a View

This moonth two large projects are approaching completion - namely our house refurbishment and my ‘paving’ of the Path to Overstanding. When you come to the end, or near the end, of a project a certain melancholy can...

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Seeing Clearly Now

Seeing Clearly Now

You may have picked up a theme in this moonthly blog where life and art emulate each other. So, after looking at plans for 12 months and a set of wide gaping holes in our new extension for five months, the windows have...

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Back in the Groove

Back in the Groove

After a blip last moonth where my voice left me and I had five days not eating or drinking much, the last orbit of the Moon has seen a return to form. So my voice popped back and the muse came back to my door. This all...

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Out of Sorts

Out of Sorts

I have been blessed, on the whole, with good health for most of my life. Last week though, I was somewhat dealt a curved ball that really upset my apple cart when I came down with a sore throat. It was so bad that it was...

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A Pause for Thought

A Pause for Thought

Just when everything was going so well with our refurb project, our builders discovered a layer of asbestos between the walls of the ground floor and the roof joists. Apart from an unexpected emptying of our bank...

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A New Perspective

A New Perspective

So our three month temporary rental has come to an end and we are now in the moho for the rest of Spring, all of Summer and we hope just the start of Autumn. The photo above is going to be our main location - one, cos of...

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Steeling Yourself

Steeling Yourself

When it comes time for extending yourself massively, you really need a strong support behind and underneath you. Again, life is mirroring my art. In my metaphysical serialisation, the Path to Overstanding, the flavour of...

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The Point of No Return

The Point of No Return

We are well into the house refurbishment now. Walls are demolished, floor ripped up, 200 tonnes of soil removed for new parking area and piles driven 6 metres into the ground to support the new 1st floor extension where...

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A Time for Refurbishment

A Time for Refurbishment

It always amuses me how life emulates art, and vice versa. Artistically right now, I am taking an old structure and giving it a makeover. Well over 12 years ago, I created the Cube of Karma, inspired by the ancient glyph...

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Moving Times

Moving Times

This New Moon augurs in several new moves. The most impactful on the surface is moving out of our new home into rental so that it can be made into an energy efficient eco-home. So this week is packing and transition. We...

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The Next Orbit of the Sun

The Next Orbit of the Sun

Another Turn of the Wheel It’s fair to say the last three orbits of the Sun have been interesting for humanity. We’ve had two years of global pandemic and a year where the prospect of WW111 has raised its head. In the...

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Do Dogs Reincarnate?

Do Dogs Reincarnate?

At the start of this year, we had to say goodbye to our labradoodle Reuben. At 15, his legs gave up on him and we did the thing that all dog owners dread. I was with him as we let him go and told him that we’d see him...

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Plasmatic Effervescence

Plasmatic Effervescence

The Cycles of Life So this week was the first moonth in many years that I missed publishing a blog on the New Moon. This is just a couple of days late. There is no particular reason but that I forgot but that I forgot as...

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Small Miracles

Small Miracles

This last moonth has been a bit of an eye opener. I beavered away the moonth before getting four video courses uploaded to Insight Timer (with more lined up in the wings). At last, I thought, I could move the majority of...

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The Scintillating Intelligence

The Scintillating Intelligence

My unfolding of the Path to Overstanding materials has led me to return to my study of the Tree of Life. I always found the language around the Kabbalistic tree quite obfuscating. What’s a Sepiroth after all? Of course,...

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A Magnum Opus

A Magnum Opus

When you embark on an unknown path, you can guarantee a few things will occur. Firstly, you might get lost or stuck. Secondly, you might find new places, bump into new people and stumble across new opportunities....

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Soul Separation : Soul Integration

Soul Separation : Soul Integration

Soul Separation One way to understand the behaviour of some actors in recent geopolitical events is to see them in the context of the ego and the soul : so from a spiritual and metaphysical perspective. Take Boris...

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Stepping off the Path

Stepping off the Path

I am now 6 moonths into my 24 moonth project, creating the Path to Overstanding. It will come as no surprise that a project of this nature is somewhat like pulling yourself up with your own bootstraps. As I develop and...

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Branching Out

Branching Out

This moonth was one of those times when the changes were rung in. The catalysts were an actual holiday, a revelation and bad back that led to a gift from on high and stroke of good fortune. A death in the family also got...

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The Keys to Wisdom

The Keys to Wisdom

So I am just embarking on moonth 4 of what I knew would be a 24 moonth project. Today sees the publication of more materials for those walking the Path To Overstanding with me. The whole project is mind mapped out so I...

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The Path is Open

The Path is Open

Sometimes when you start a project, you may harbour some uncertainties. We might think we are fooling ourselves or that we may have taken too much on board. Setting my stall out to deliver a whole course in esoteric...

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A Time of Bifurcation

A Time of Bifurcation

Two Tracks I am writing this blog on the morning of the seventh day of Ukraine invasion by Russian forces. Some people have decided to go down a track which may have grave consequences for the whole of humanity, not...

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The End of Endarkenment

The End of Endarkenment

The last two years has been somewhat traumatic for humanity. Six million souls, at the very least, have shed their mortal coil in some way due to COVID. The pandemic has exposed the dangerous combination of corruption...

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Another Thirteen Moons

Another Thirteen Moons

Happy New Year to One and All - and so good to kick it off on a New Moon (well nearly). These blogs are normally a reflection on the moonth just gone. This one is a little different as it’s a look back at the year just...

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Telling It Like It Is

Telling It Like It Is

When you start any year, you have some plans but also are open for the unplanned to rock up too, as it tends to do. So this year saw an unplanned and very successful and pleasant house move. It also augured in the fixing...

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The Tarot of Overstanding

a change of plan I spent my 59th birthday at the funeral of my best friend from school. It was a sad and poignant day but also a celebration of his life and impact. At the time, I had published 15 books but I had never...

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The Seeds of Alchemy

The Seeds of Alchemy

Hiatus Time The good news is that the knee operation went well and I am making a good recovery. The prognosis is good. The healing though is slow and steady : a nudge from the Universe to slow down and take stock perhaps...

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Walking Well

Walking Well

For as long as I can remember, I have had a painful right knee. I’ve had various treatments and fixes over the years but nothing has really worked and now I am down to bone on bone. Even if you aren’t medically trained,...

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Plotting and Pantsing

Plotting and Pantsing

Are You a Plotter or a Pantser? Last month I came across this question for the first time and had no idea what it meant at first. I came across it in an author’s forum which gives a small clue. It asks if you, as an...

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Down to Business

Down to Business

If you read my blog last month, you will have seen I hit yet another milestone on Insight Timer - this moonth, something else equally remarkable happened. They approached me to see if I had any meditations that would be...

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Four Million Listens

Four Million Listens

Just less than six years ago, I was approached by Maddy Gerrard of Insight Timer and asked if I wanted to upload some free meditations. I didn’t think that much of it as I’d never heard of them but I did. I uploaded a...

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Halfway There

Halfway There

Halfway There As we come to the end of June, I thought it a good time to take a stock check and a bit of a breather. So, the second book in the Soulwaves Anthology came out in January and the third book is emerging...

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Back in the Groove

Back in the Groove

Back in the Groove In retrospect, taking two 'moonths' to relocate and get back into the writing groove is quite short. So now I am installed in my new writing room/music production space - just a little tidying up to do...

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New Plans : New Perspectives

New Plans : New Perspectives

New Perspectives It’s only just dawned on me that our recent house move played out over a whole moon orbit. We started our move just before the April New Moon and this New Moon sees us in and installed with my new...

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