Companion Meditations for the Authority Guide to Practical Mindfulness
If you have found this page, you will have a copy of this book. I recommend that you read a chapter of the book and then listen to the associated meditation. This will help embed the learnings in your neurology, psyche and soul.
These meditations are all exactly 10 minutes long and are nicely addictive. If you are going to have one habit, 10 minutes of chillout time just for yourself each day is a habit with nothing but positive side effects.
If you haven’t read the book, it is available in print, ebook and audiobook
If you have read, or listened to it, all reviews much appreciated.
Here’s some general guidelines to help you get the best from your journey.
- Ensure you have 10 uninterruptible minutes set aside
- On first listening, go through them in order
- They are best listened to on headphones
- You can listen to them at any time of the day
- You can sit upright or lie down
- It doesn’t matter if you fall asleep
- It’s not a good idea to listen to them while driving, or operating machinery
- When you have listened to all ten, take in one a day for at least ten days (in any order)
Enjoy !
Meditation 1 : Just for Today
This visualisation accompanies the opening chapter, Starting, and is a great way to ‘start’ each and every day. Just for today, as you start on this new exploration into the world of mindfulness, make a note of a few things you want to stop doing.
Just for Today
Meditation 2 : Just Breathe
This visualisation accompanies the chapter, Relaxing, and introduces the most common methods of meditating and that’s to use the breath and the repetition a mantra. Just for today, as you go about your day, be mindful of the speed and depth you are breathing. Observe others too.
Just Breathe
Meditation 3 : Just a Thought
This visualisation accompanies the chapter, Focusing, and introduces a deeper level of meditation using thought itself. Just for today, if a thought keeps coming back and back and you would like it to go away, talk to it.
Just a Thought
Meditation 4 : Just Musing
This visualisation accompanies the chapter, Creating, and shows how to energise both halves of your brain and how to get into the zone. Just for today, if you find yourself flagging, breathe through alternate nostrils for a few times.
Just Musing
Meditation 5 : Just Illuminate
This visualisation accompanies the chapter, Innovating, and shows you how to move your awareness and how to get into a mode where you can tap into light bulb moments. Just for today, pay attention to ideas that come in ‘off the top of your head’.
Just Illuminate
Meditation 6 : Just a Moment
This visualisation accompanies the chapter, Timing, and helps you pay attention to each moment. Just for today, make a note of the three moments you most enjoyed.
Just a Moment
Meditation 7 : Just for Tomorrow
This visualisation accompanies the chapter, Allowing, and helps the most perfect tomorrow to arrive. You might like to listen to this towards the end of the day. Just for today, write down three things you would like to happen tomorrow.
Just for Tomorrow
Meditation 8 : Just Imagine
This visualisation accompanies the chapter, Collaborating, and tunes you into the most perfect future. Just for today, let your imagination loose.
Just Imagine
Meditation 9 : Just Love
This visualisation accompanies the chapter, Loving, and activates nascent qualities in the heart. Just for today, perform a random act of kindness.
Just Love
Meditation 10 : Just Be
This visualisation accompanies the chapter, Ending, and sets up an even better future than the one you can imagine. Just for today, give yourself a break and take your foot off the throttle.