Tom Evans

storyteller, meditation guide, ambient composer
& host of the adytum

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… you have come to the right place

… if you feel you are pushing water uphill

… if you need another hour in each day

… if you want to increase the flow of money energy

… if you are holding on to dis-ease

… if you want to find out how your book can write itself

… if you are seeking a life you love, with people you love

… if you want to discover why you came to be and what you came to do

The Adytum is Open

The Adytum is Open

As one orbit of the Sun completes and another is about to begin, it pays dividends to reflect back and project forward. I always remind myself that every year we share on Spaceship Earth takes us on a journey of half a billion miles around our home star. So half a...

Coming in for Landing

Coming in for Landing

This is not quite the last blog of this year, as there’s another New Moon on the 30th December where I’ll be projecting out to 2025.  Before I wrote this blog, I went back over all the blogs from the year and what a journey. We moved back into our eco-home and stopped...

Töm’s Tomes

Töm’s Tomes

Sometimes adversity and frustration can get us down. I’ve been holding on to a nagging frustration for more years than is healthy. It festered into being quite annoying recently last moonth. Something had to be done. So I resigned myself to cosmic forces and gave up...

Time Restored

Time Restored

By now, I was hoping to be announcing the release of my new course to help authors write their books using channeling. The cosmos had different ideas as the first chapter for a book I didn’t plan to write appeared in entirety in a dream on the morning of Sunday the...

Channeling for Authors

Channeling for Authors

Recent changes on Insight Timer caused me to rethink, recalibrate and reset over the Summer. This is partly to prepare for when we can promote subscription offerings via the app and partly to create a second string to my bow should income decrease, it occurred to me...

Foot off the Gas

Foot off the Gas

Again I find that my ‘real’ life is emulating my art … or vice versa. We are/have just acquired our first fully electric car to go along with our existing hybrid. The existing car has all-wheel-drive so will only be used for treacherous conditions and long drives, not...

Adapt and Thrive

Adapt and Thrive

This last moonth has been one where flexibility has had to be the key. The next few moonths are poised to be similar in flavour. The reason being is that my main two initiatives for 2024 are in a state of flux, with uncertainty around their aspects and timing. So I...

Connecting Above to Below

Connecting Above to Below

As we approach the Summer Solstice, there have been many strings pulled in the Density from the Void. The Council of the Light have been busy. There’s a new TV channel about to launch with a focus on metaphysics called My great friend, Louisa Tanner...

Bewitch and Beguile

Bewitch and Beguile

Seven years ago, in May 2017, I was approached by Siri Opli who asked if I would like my daily Just for Today memes to be illustrated. I had no reason to say no so we embarked on a journey with no plan to reach any destination but just to enjoy the ride. We flipped...

A Spring in My Step

A Spring in My Step

This moonth, the plan that emerged at the start of the year - after the much needed stock-taking hiatus - is starting to unfold. The serialisation of Soulwaves is nearing the half way point and it’s a real pleasure for me to listen to something I wrote nearly five...

On a Roll

On a Roll

On the 27th February, which is a year to the day since we moved out for our house refurb to proceed, my audio studio was back in operation … and I am back on a roll. What’s more, on the 28th February, the workmen left site and the drilling and banging stopped, the...

New Auspices

New Auspices

So at the end of February 2023 last year, we moved out of our house ahead of a major renovation. We’ve been back in from just before Xmas but largely ‘camping’ on one floor. By the end of February this year though, virtually all the works will be complete and...

Taking Stock

Taking Stock

For the first time in well over a decade, I have started this year without much of a plan. I sense a New Dawn is coming, along with yet another death-less reincarnation. Over the holidays, I mind-mapped the content I'd created since I morphed into being a storyteller,...

It Takes 9 Months

It Takes 9 Months

The refurbishment and extension of our home has taken nine months - this seems appropriate for a rebirth I suppose. In this time, we have relocated over 35 times, squeezed in a couple of mini-holidays, met and caught up with old friends and spent a humungous amount on...

Room for a View

Room for a View

This moonth two large projects are approaching completion - namely our house refurbishment and my ‘paving’ of the Path to Overstanding. When you come to the end, or near the end, of a project a certain melancholy can tend to set it.  Firstly, you might wonder what’s...