Töm’s Tomes
Sometimes adversity and frustration can get us down. I’ve been holding on to a nagging frustration for more years than is healthy. It festered into being quite annoying recently last moonth. Something had to be done.
So I resigned myself to cosmic forces and gave up pushing water uphill and then idea came along in the hypnopompic space, on the morning the clocks went back giving that other hour.
The idea was so wondrous and sublimely brilliant that I now do not want to give any energy to the events that led to this amazing opportunity, apart from to thank them for their nudge and guidance.
It is one of those ideas that is so obvious that you wonder why you didn’t think of it before.
As shared in this blog, for the last two moonths, I have been working on launching a much revamped version of my course to help authors get their books to flow through them. The first moonth was one of review and trying out a platform that just wasn’t up to the job. The second moonth was one of creation of new assets and a revised structure using the platform I am now running with.
I just love Thinkific.
So it’s with great pleasure and pride that I can announce that from today, this November’s New Moon, my new course Channeling for Authors is ready to accept prospective authors. I am releasing it for a launch price for the foreseeable future, which is even better value now due to the revelation that came my way.
For nearly 20 years now, I have been writing and publishing books, recording audiobooks and generating many assets to go with them, such as interviews, videos, meditations and, most recently, ambient music.
It dawned on me that all of these wondrous creations are spread across many platforms like Amazon, Audible and, most recently, Insight Timer. None of these platforms though allow me to mix and consolidate media types. All the assets associated with each book are hard even for me to find and share. I’ve also created a few innovative ways to share the books in a way I have never done before.
So along with the launch of Channeling for Authors, I am really chuffed to have appended a bonus section called Töm’s Tomes, plus another module on my channelings of the future. This is a single repository, full of esoteric and metaphysical explorations, which forms a considerable and ever expanding archive. It gives new authors loads of examples of how a book can be structured. It’s a celebration too of a creative spark that shows no signs of abating.
So, as well as the channeled books themselves, thanks to Thinkific’s support for multiple media types, you can find associated interviews, explanatory videos and all sorts of other treats and goodies – all in one place. To deepen your appreciation of the course materials, you will be able to see many examples of channeled writing, as well as the ancillary assets we as authors can generate to augment the reader and listener experience … and market our books.
Its curation got be out of a fug and inspired me greatly on the run up to this New Moon and my hope and aim is that it collation similarly inspires and ‘edutains’ you as an author and creator. All legacies start with one book and all books start with one word.
p.p.s. I’ve also published a free module for the Adytum which shares some techniques of how to deal with dis-ease.
p.p.s. as mentioned, this whole inspiration arrived in the hypnopompic state last weekend when we had another hour in bed. It was in this state that the whole of the first chapter, and premise, of Time Restored arrived. To similarly inspire you, let me share a meditation called Hypnopompia Extended to help you access the transition consciousness …
… and a guided meditation and co-creation with Ada and Nathan Ketchie (Wakes) called Awaken from the Awakened Dream