Bewitch and Beguile

Bewitch and Beguile

Just for Today Speech bubbleSeven years ago, in May 2017, I was approached by Siri Opli who asked if I would like my daily Just for Today memes to be illustrated. I had no reason to say no so we embarked on a journey with no plan to reach any destination but just to enjoy the ride.

We flipped the order of creation over the years. Sometimes Siri would send me art and I would write having been inspired by it. Other times, I would write the words and Siri would be inspired to draw or paint accordingly.

Last month, the scheduling software I was using to batch schedule JFTs stopped posting to Facebook Groups, a change at Meta’s end apparently, so this month we are changing the way we are doing them.

We will still record Just for Today themed meditations – here’s one recent one for example. This one incidentally was one that I did following a reading from a medium who suggested I create content for younger people, perhaps with ADHD and autism.

Siri will be now be collating and curating old and new groups of illustrated memes on the Deckible app as card decks – here’s an example

Now there is a modest charge for each deck but Siri would love your support and the big advantage is to get all the associated JFTs in one place – many with the associated meditation. Better still is the ability to be able to journal against each card and even do spreads of cards.

So I throw the gauntlet down to any reader of this blog to stop doing something, out of habit, that no longer serves. This allows something else you did not expect to pop along.

Now this has already happened to me and I hope to be able to announce it after the next orbit of the moon.

I leave you with one of the first ever illustrations that Siri did – it is still our favourite – as well as the meditation it inspired.

bewitch and beguile

A Spring in My Step

A Spring in My Step

Soulwaves PlaylistThis moonth, the plan that emerged at the start of the year – after the much needed stock-taking hiatus – is starting to unfold.

The serialisation of Soulwaves is nearing the half way point and it’s a real pleasure for me to listen to something I wrote nearly five years ago. It’s a double pleasure to merge the audiobook with the albums of ambient music that it inspired. The few that listen to it seem to like it and I have now created a playlist to make all the parts easier to find. All in all, it’s one component of my creation of legacy of content in one place.

Listen to the serialisation here …

While the Soulwaves project is massive in scope – especially if it turns out to be prophetically even part-true, the Big Project though is the creation of my Magnum Opus – listen to the background to it here …

Flavours of ThoughtThe first part is already available as a course on Insight Timer and I plan to publish a course a month, probably up to the end of 2025.

Check out Flavours of Thought Part #1 : Ethereal Whispers

Our home has really come together – just waiting for the temperature to rise so the rendering can be applied and for our solar installer to add the panels to get our energy usage to net zero. We are close too to having our rainwater harvesting system working which will probably augur months with no rain.

We’ve been busy too in the DIY department and have created a larder which we are quite proud of – in the same style as the walk-in wardrobe I build a couple of months back. The acoustic panels are not only stylish but also wonderfully deaden the room spaces.

All in all, it feels great to be Springing Forwards

Tatton Larder After

New Auspices

New Auspices

Auspices DefinitionSo at the end of February 2023 last year, we moved out of our house ahead of a major renovation. We’ve been back in from just before Xmas but largely ‘camping’ on one floor. By the end of February this year though, virtually all the works will be complete and normality can resume but under new auspices.

This year has already started with everything being taken up a gear or three.

I’ve given my meditations and ambience a push in a new direction with more a series of meditative enquiries and a more compositional and layered approach to music. For examples, listen to …

What’s On Your Mind? (enquiry)

Flow and Ebb (ambient)

Riding Your Thought Stream (enquiry)

The serialisation of Soulwaves : A Future History is on track, with two parts already available via IT Premium. By October this year, I aim for all 10 parts (each consisting of 10 chapters) to be live.

There’s also a new course published this month called the Keys to Overstanding – it will be first of many where I share esoteric wisdom from my ‘magnum opus’ The Book of Overstanding.

I’ve also completed the first of a series of interviews with like minded souls with a wonderful conversation with the uber-talented musician, singer, actress and disrupter, Hannah Reimann.

… and it’s only week 1 of February !!

But what off these new auspices?

Well for quite a while now, I have used the Twelve Councillors of the Light as my muse. They ‘helped’ me write Soulwaves and Insertions, as well as the all meditations and music that accompanied them.

Last year, I was ‘introduced’ to a different set of intelligences called The Four … you can listen to a podcast about them below …

Now, I will admit that I don’t know if the Council and The Four are real or imaginary. What I can report is that, if I imagine that they are real, all sorts of wondrous magic pops along at the most perfect times.

… and here’s an image of The Four channelled by Sïrï Oplï

Steeling Yourself

Steeling Yourself

When it comes time for extending yourself massively, you really need a strong support behind and underneath you.

Again, life is mirroring my art. In my metaphysical serialisation, the Path to Overstanding, the flavour of thought of extension features highly, as those walking the path with me expand their awareness and consciousness.

By way of physical contrast, piles have been sunk down by six metres and a massive steel frame is now sitting on top of them, poised to support our new ‘living space’.

In the front garden, a large hole has been dug to accommodate a 5000 litre rainwater harvesting tank. It is insurance against a warming planet to ensure we can water the garden and flush toilets.

Adding to all of this, at the end of the month of May, I am steeling myself to living in the motorhome for four to five months. To make this more palatable, we’ve acquired an air awning to give us extra space to hang out.

For most of this period, we will be close to our house so we can monitor progress. Most importantly, I’ll have my audio studio back in action so I can continue content creation. I am also hoping to get some reading and writing done. New locations often inspire new directions and openings.

On this front much is happening each month (and moonth) :

  • I write a daily Just for Today, inspired by the amazing artwork of Siri Opli
  • this gives me the script for the following month’s meditation which I upload for free on Insight Timer
  • where, shortly a huge archive of my back catalogue will be published under the new Insight Premium offering
  • I also try and upload a new ambient track each month but have held back on any Live events until the Autumn
  • in parallel with all of this, and sync’ed to the Moon Phases, I create four new assets for the Path to Overstanding – namely serialisation of the book, a meditation on a key, music inspired by the keys and an uberstanding conversation

All in all, a busy year and one that I am steeled for …

Small Miracles

Small Miracles

This last moonth has been a bit of an eye opener.

I beavered away the moonth before getting four video courses uploaded to Insight Timer (with more lined up in the wings). At last, I thought, I could move the majority of my extensive archive to one place and reduce complexity of hosting – and reach the millions registered with the app. Then I got an email saying they were holding back on video course, workshops and mentoring. Hey ho, I then thought, there must be another way.

So I looked at which of my courses might work as audio only courses, which are still OK, and came across a series of meditations inspired by my book, Soulwaves, originally called The Soul-full Path.

So I remastered it, added a brand new meditation to help your soul actually incarnate and re-entitled it Your Soul Path and uploaded it to the app. Hopefully it will pass muster and be available by the time the Moon orbits the Earth once more.

Any time we work with materials which connect us with our soul, magical and mysterious events can be stirred up in our lives. Sometimes these events are of major significance and sometime they are tiny. Sometimes the mere recognition of them is of deeper and wider import than the happening itself.

So I got the course uploaded the day we went away for a short jaunt in the motorhome to the beautiful Mendip Hills, having got it back again after lending it to a friend in need for a few months, during her house transition. We had to kit out the van again and upon arrival at our overnight stop, we discovered that we didn’t have a teaspoon. We resolved to naughtily purloin one from a coffee shop the next day.

teaspoonSo we were in Cheddar Gorge sitting down with a latte and hot chocolate. We don’t take sugar but dutifully it arrived along with two teaspoons. Our conscience hit us and we agreed it wasn’t right to steal a spoon.

Now the road through the gorge is closed at the moment while they secure the rock face so we walked up the gorge as far as we could. Bear in mind, no cars are going up there right now, so minimal traffic and footfall.

So blow me down with a feather but on the side of the road, in broad daylight, was a single teaspoon. It was just perfect. So we both removed some litter from the beauty spot and solved our lack of an implement to extract tea bags.

Now admittedly this is a very 1st world problem and, you might say, not worthy of a blog article. I would suggest though that the small miracles are just part of our big miracle of life. Noticing them and thanking your god, your soul, the angels or your dog for leading you there in turn encourages to more and more to unfold.

p.s. After our trip to Cheddar we went to Wells and had the whole world just hanging and spinning in front of us in the Cathedral

A Time of Bifurcation

A Time of Bifurcation

Two Railway TracksTwo Tracks

I am writing this blog on the morning of the seventh day of Ukraine invasion by Russian forces. Some people have decided to go down a track which may have grave consequences for the whole of humanity, not least more imminently for the people of Ukraine and the wider Baltic regions. Their raisin d’être seems to be fear of potential threat when actually opportunities for co-creation and collaboration are alternative options.

Western Powers will do what they can, short of engaging in war themselves, to apply pressure on Russia to desist and retreat – or at least stop with the full annexation of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

Somewhere down the line, a bifurcation has occurred. As many people on Spaceship Earth are seeking ways to reach post-pandemic unity and usher in an age of planetary stewardship, others are dragging the world back to pre-1939 ways of thinking and doing.

This by the way is as political as I get in a blog … mainly as I do not profess to have any answers or expertise in political and military matters.

What I do know is that we are at a point of bifurcation and, at the very least, the days for partisan, elitist and corrupt politics in the West has to stop for us to have any chance of global peace. At the same time, the crushing fear held by dictators must be replaced with true love for humanity. The massive chasm between the behaviours of the Russian and Ukranian presidents are an example of the rift that has to be healed … hopefully before too many more on each side lose their lives for no logical reason.

Learn Attention ManagementMy Own Bifurcation

The reason this blog is about bifurcation is that I find myself at a point when there is potentially an imminent split in my own focus. On reflection, both sides of this split however are in harmony as they have the same aim – that of awakening of consciousness.

The bifurcation lies in where people are at in their journey. Clearly, some people on the planet are hell-bent on courses where death and destruction are inevitable consequences. This naturally grabs news headlines and peoples’ attention.

I estimate that the vast majority of the world population would just like an easier life, without hardship and strife.

I have been passionate about sharing content freely, even before I was invited to publish on Insight Timer in 2015. I can testify that what goes around, comes around and that the freemium model works.

For a while now, the app has delivered some premium content in the form of courses. This provided an income that has helped me and many other guides to a position where we can afford to creat more and more content. This is the ‘going around’.

So as I am just on the point of launching and expanding on my own premium offering, I am delighted that I have been invited to run a workshop for Insight Timer. I hope it’s the first of many.

It will be delivered in April over three sessions and the subject is Attention Management – a new way of approaching time management indeed. Watch this short video for more and here’s the link to book your space:

My aim in delivering this workshop is that you will get your investment of time and money back many times over. As such, this type of event represents a bridge from purely freemium to premium.

Note that my output on Insight Timer is aimed at those on the cusp of awakening. 

The Path To OverstandingThe Path To Overstanding

My new ‘premium’ offering is aimed at those who would like to ‘awaken’ to a whole new level. The word ‘premium’ is italicised as it’s really not expensive – starting at less than $5 a month. I want this information to be accessible and affordable to many. The fees just help me to cover hosting and administrative costs.

Since I first published my first non-fiction books back in 2009, I have been focussed on making the esoteric – what is complex and somewhat obfuscated – into the exoteric, namely understandable and accessible.

My latest premium offering is the culmination of that journey. Back in 2009 and 2013, I wrote two books – namely Flavours of Thought and Planes of Being – which are, respectfully, deconstructions of the Major and Minor Arcana of the Tarot. I always knew there was a third book and indeed that I might also design my own deck.

So, as previously signposted in this blog and elsewhere, the deck will see the light of day this year and has been beautifully illustrated by Siri Opli. It’s called The Tarot of Overstanding and is an evolution of the Tarot as it is known.

In parallel with its release, I am writing the book that accompanies it and serialising in audiobook format via my Soundwise app. It’s augmented by three other Soundcasts – Meditations on the Keys, a new ambient album called Arcanum and a series of exclusive conversations called Uberstandings.

It will contain and explain all the esoteric wisdom I have come across over the last 15 years and also include information that I am receiving from off-worldly intelligences. It is literally mind-opening.

It’s available exclusively to subscribers, optionally along with my other recent Soulwaves-based metaphysical content.

Find out more here …

… on The Path to Overstanding

Let me wrap up this blog by sharing some freemium content written by Henry Longfellow back in 1855 and so relevant to these bifurcated times.

Smoking of the Peacepipe

by Henry Longfellow, narrated by Töm Evans | from the Song of Hiawatha