As one orbit of the Sun completes and another is about to begin, it pays dividends to reflect back and project forward. I always remind myself that every year we share on Spaceship Earth takes us on a journey of half a billion miles around our home star.
So half a billion miles ago, we’d just moved back into our renovated house. A good 25% of it internally was still a building site. Outside was a mess of detritus and the walls weren’t insulated and windows weren’t sealed. It was good to be out of the motorhome but there was still a mountain to climb. We had bought the property to downsize but ended up extending it by a good 50% … but it is now a much more usable space for me to expand my business in a way I hadn’t planned. Having reached retirement age, I was aiming for an easy life but the Universe had other plans.
So by the Spring Equinox, the works were largely completed and I’d also re-built my online business back to where it was before we moved out of the house back in March 2023. We’d even reinstated the solar panels and the eco-credentials of the house began to prove themselves.
The National Self Build and Renovation Centre even made a case study of what we’d done – we are the first people to have had two case studies on their site.
Creatively, a new level of flow had been found too with a new level of confidence and surety. Around this time, I found myself creating, with others, a safe space to support fellow Insight Timer guides. This turned out to be a prescient move as in July, they changed the way that revenue could be earned and many, including me, felt the rug had been pulled from underneath us.
Collectively though, there was much knowledge and experience in the group and many embarked on developing alternative and augmentative sources of income. For me, it was the kick up the proverbial I didn’t know I needed.
Since around 2009, I had been harbouring the notion of creating an online school of alchemy. So I dusted off gigabytes of files on my hard drive around the Autumn Equinox, added loads of new content and, by the time of the Winter Solstice, The Adytum had arrived. While it kind of came from nowhere, the content for it has been created over the last 20 years or so.
It consists of two main areas : namely an Outer and Inner Sanctum. There’s a side area called The Scriptorium just for authors too.
The Outer Sanctum is a safe, introductory and exploratory space for those wanting to learn how to use alchemical keys to open the door to a blissful and magical life. The Outer Sanctum is in soft launch mode now, with an amazing introductory offer, and fully open on the first New Moon of 2025 on the 29th of January. There are even two free modules on healing and money alchemy for those who just want to sample some magic in their life – links below for these.
The Inner Sanctum is an invitation-only space for those wanting to teach others. This will be opening for acolytes on and around the Spring Equinox, with several modules in the Outer Sanctum being prerequisites for those wanting to awaken to another level again.
And just when that’s enough good news for anyone for any one year, I am also launching a TV channel on a new online station called NewRealityTV. More on this in next’s moonth’s blog …
Healing Alchemy [free]
Healing is a gift and an ability which is innate and inside everyone.
Discover simple alchemical techniques and listen to relaxing meditations to help soften and reduce dis-ease and to help you to live weller for longer.
Abundant Thinking [free]
Discover how to bring abundance, in all its forms, into your world and how money is an energy which is mirrors our internal energetic state. Change your internal energy, increase your promise and the external world alters accordingly.
This is not quite the last blog of this year, as there’s another New Moon on the 30th December where I’ll be projecting out to 2025.
Before I wrote this blog, I went back over all the blogs from the year and what a journey. We moved back into our eco-home and stopped house building and began a process of home making.
Creatively, what a shift too. I first rebuilt my Insight Timer revenue back up to where it had been, only to discover in July that the rug was about to be pulled and I’d have to innovate my way around it.
This caused me first to think of bringing TheBookwright out of retirement which has now led me to create something I have been putting off for many years, if not many life times.
As a result, The Adytum, a school for contemporary alchemy, has just soft launched. The platform I am using, Thinkific, has loads of great resources and templates for growing such a community. This made me realise that although I excel at content creation, I could not let the marketing of the school be simply open to universal forces. After all the school teaches that we are the impetus and channel for such forces.
I am soft launching five modules now with two which are free, see below for more detail on these.
The outer sanctum will open early in January 2025 (with five more modules, so ten in total with the two free samplers) and then the inner sanctum will open for explorers in Spring 2025.
So I’m now busying myself in learning how to create landing pages and how to use sales funnels. This approach led me to find an amazing ally in this process and this interview tells some of this story.
Healing Alchemy [free]
Healing is a gift and an ability which is innate and inside everyone.
Discover simple alchemical techniques and listen to relaxing meditations to help soften and reduce dis-ease and to help you to live weller for longer.
Abundant Thinking [free]
Discover how to bring abundance, in all its forms, into your world and how money is an energy which is mirrors our internal energetic state. Change your internal energy, increase your promise and the external world alters accordingly.
Again I find that my ‘real’ life is emulating my art … or vice versa.
We are/have just acquired our first fully electric car to go along with our existing hybrid. The existing car has all-wheel-drive so will only be used for treacherous conditions and long drives, not that we do many of those nowadays. So largely, fed from our solar panels, or cheap rate electricity, we will be using very little gas as we pootle around.
Art-wise, I am experimenting with a less-might-lead-to-more approach.
Thankfully my new Soulwaves TV programme has been put back to Autumn as Ethereal aren’t quite ready. I am grateful for this as I really need to create a more professional studio space with better lighting, audio damping and a more professional background.
… but you can at least watch the introductory episode here
So I’ll continue trickling content out to Insight Timer each month until the end of the year … when everything changes in 2025:
a series of TimefulTasks, all timefully 2m22s or 3m33s long
a meditation a month on the Just for Today theme
a short story in the form of a meditale (narration and audio combined)
an ambient track a month
something more meaty for IT Premium in the form of short stories or maybe novellas
And just started using a new audio embedding tool so I can share what I published on Insight Timer last moonth …
And this interview with fellow Insight Timer guide, Lou Redmond, went live too (and a shed load more lined up for next moonth) :
As we approach the Summer Solstice, there have been many strings pulled in the Density from the Void. The Council of the Light have been busy.
There’s a new TV channel about to launch with a focus on metaphysics called My great friend, Louisa Tanner Munson, was initially invited to it, along with Carl Munson, her erudite husband and fabulous show host. They both recommended me to the channel’s progenitors, Will Rodriquez and Karen Endsley.
A brief chat was all that was needed for them to want me to launch a show and for me to go for it. The title they suggested was fab, It’s Not Bonkers, but after finding myself procrastinating about it, I realised that it is to be called soulwaves : connecting above to below.
It’s going to be an exploration of all things metaphysical with a whole raft of guests helping me make the esoteric into the exoteric – and launching later this moonth.
It’s quite an undertaking as I will be producing a one hour show every week but it’s such an opportunity to get even more global reach than I am already getting through Insight Timer. I was though feeling a new challenge was needed as I have been far too complacent and comfortable with my creative output.
That said, I am thrilled to have published three new courses on Insight Timer on the Flavours of Thought in the last three moonths alone.
In addition, from June onwards, I am also starting to write, record and publish a series of follow on courses on the Recipes for Fresh Thinking – which are essentially modern day spells. This will lead into another series of courses inspired by the Minor Arcana and based on my book on the subject, Planes of Being.
The ability to cross-fertilise my Ethereal shows with Insight Timer materials is immense as the shows can feature sample meditations and go into more depth as there is no restriction on imagery and of course video content. This means my Magnum Opus can truly be shared with the world now.
You’ll find links to the Flavours of Thought courses below … and I’ll post shows as they go live on Ethereal on my front page.
This first course explores thought forms that emanate from outside of our neurology. These are the stuff of light bulb moments and the source and fuel for our creativity. If you have ever had an idea ‘off the top’ of your head, you will have heard a whisper already.
This second course in the series explores thought forms that percolate up from our lower mind centres. Pay attention to them and you will never put a foot out of kilter. Ignore them and you may end up pushing water uphill.
This third course explores thought forms that are generated in our brain that are seeded from ethereal whisper and unconscious murmurs. You will also get a sample taster of a Recipe for Fresh Thinking.
This moonth, the plan that emerged at the start of the year – after the much needed stock-taking hiatus – is starting to unfold.
The serialisation of Soulwaves is nearing the half way point and it’s a real pleasure for me to listen to something I wrote nearly five years ago. It’s a double pleasure to merge the audiobook with the albums of ambient music that it inspired. The few that listen to it seem to like it and I have now created a playlist to make all the parts easier to find. All in all, it’s one component of my creation of legacy of content in one place.
While the Soulwaves project is massive in scope – especially if it turns out to be prophetically even part-true, the Big Project though is the creation of my Magnum Opus – listen to the background to it here …
The first part is already available as a course on Insight Timer and I plan to publish a course a month, probably up to the end of 2025.
Our home has really come together – just waiting for the temperature to rise so the rendering can be applied and for our solar installer to add the panels to get our energy usage to net zero. We are close too to having our rainwater harvesting system working which will probably augur months with no rain.
We’ve been busy too in the DIY department and have created a larder which we are quite proud of – in the same style as the walk-in wardrobe I build a couple of months back. The acoustic panels are not only stylish but also wonderfully deaden the room spaces.
All in all, it feels great to be Springing Forwards
On the 27th February, which is a year to the day since we moved out for our house refurb to proceed, my audio studio was back in operation … and I am back on a roll.
What’s more, on the 28th February, the workmen left site and the drilling and banging stopped, the skip has gone and we can now park in our own drive. Thankfully we have very forgiving and generous neighbours!
Before the 27th, I’d already been busy but mainly remastering existing materials. I am aiming to migrate my esoteric archive of materials over to Insight Timer (whilst also paralleling them up on Soundwise for backup reasons).
So on Insight Timer, you will find three new courses :
– and very shortly, I’ll be publishing another course called Becoming a Channel.
I also squeezed in recording a brand new meditation specifically written for the leap year and published on the 29th Feb called Take a Leap (geddit) and you will also find a Norwegian version from the uber-talented Siri Opli.
I am also three parts (of ten) into the serialisation of my novel Soulwaves : A Future History : which you can find under this new playlist
But the biggest momentum, causing the ball to pick up speed, is the creation of a series of new courses based on my two books, Flavours of Thought and Planes of Being.
They came out when audiobooks weren’t much of a thing, Flavours being published in 2009 and Planes in 2012. They are contemporisations of the Major and Minor Arcana.
So this year, I am creating two three part courses, that’s six in total on the Flavours of Thought and the Recipes of Fresh Thinking. Then I will create two courses from Planes of Being.
Listen to this recent IT Live for an overview and more background …
This will make a huge archive of my legacy content to the millions of meditators on Insight Timer.
My hope is that by the end of this year, Insight Timer will allow us to upload other assets, by way of PDF and images, to courses on the app. Then, in 2025, I will be able to follow on by publishing the Tree and Cube of Overstanding materials.
Now all of this activity has caused me to think. When this is all done, my work is really done.