Mindfulness-based Time Management

Course Materials

Quarter 2Overview of Week 2

  • Timeful Task : What’s Stopping You?
  • Meditation : Becoming Fear-less
  • Timeful Task : What’s Really Stopping You?
  • Meditation : Travelling Light
  • Timeful Task : Random Acts of Kindness

This week, we will deal with something you may not associate with time management programmes. It’s one of the biggest leaks of time and that’s procrastination.

Turn back timeTimeful Task : What’s Stopping You?

First let’s have a look at external factors that are limiting you from being productive. These are external ‘bandits of time’ that prevent us from being as productive as we would ideally like to be.

Either make notes in your journal or download the Mind Map template from the video:

Right click to download the Mind Map here, then print it out


Yoga ManMeditation : Becoming Fear-less

When you’ve completed the exercise above, listen to this visualisation to let the fears that are stopping you vapourise forever.

Make a note in your journal of how you feel before, during and after it.

Turn back timeTimeful Task : What’s Really Stopping You?

So in the first exercise, we looked at the external factors that are in our way. Of course, it is easy to blame our lack of performance on others. The real stealer of our time is US !! So let’s look inside at the real blockages to our creativity.

Either make notes in your journal or download the Mind Map template from the video:

Right click to download the Mind Map here, then print it out

Yoga ManMeditation : Travelling Light

This visualisation will prepare you for the lessons to come. It helps you to dump unwanted baggage and to pick up news tools and resources for the journey ahead.

Make a note in your journal of how you feel before, during and after it.

Note it is best listened to on headphones and definitely not while driving.

Turn back timeTimeful Task : Random Acts of Kindfulness

For the following week, each day perform at least one Random Act of Kindness [ROAK], with the following caveats:

1. Make sure they are random and not premeditated.

2. Ensure your motivation is not to receive one back from the person you bestow yours upon.

3. Become mindful of how what goes around, comes around so, in your journal, make a note of any kindnesses others unexpectedly bestow on you.

Key LearningsKey Learnings

  • Undirected thought reduces our efficiency
  • If we find yourself procrastinating, often there is an underlying fear in operation
  • Fears can be useful as they protect us
  • When we stop mulling over past events, our productivity increases