Tom Evans

storyteller, meditation guide, ambient composer
& host of the adytum

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… if you are seeking a life you love, with people you love

… if you want to discover why you came to be and what you came to do

Room for a View

Room for a View

This moonth two large projects are approaching completion - namely our house refurbishment and my ‘paving’ of the Path to Overstanding. When you come to the end, or near the end, of a project a certain melancholy can tend to set it.  Firstly, you might wonder what’s...

Seeing Clearly Now

Seeing Clearly Now

You may have picked up a theme in this moonthly blog where life and art emulate each other. So, after looking at plans for 12 months and a set of wide gaping holes in our new extension for five months, the windows have been fitted. We are now watertight and can really...

Back in the Groove

Back in the Groove

After a blip last moonth where my voice left me and I had five days not eating or drinking much, the last orbit of the Moon has seen a return to form. So my voice popped back and the muse came back to my door. This all happened all around the time Insight Timer...

Out of Sorts

Out of Sorts

I have been blessed, on the whole, with good health for most of my life. Last week though, I was somewhat dealt a curved ball that really upset my apple cart when I came down with a sore throat. It was so bad that it was painful to swallow anything so my liquid and...

A Pause for Thought

A Pause for Thought

Just when everything was going so well with our refurb project, our builders discovered a layer of asbestos between the walls of the ground floor and the roof joists. Apart from an unexpected emptying of our bank account, it’s put the project back by a good moonth....

A New Perspective

A New Perspective

So our three month temporary rental has come to an end and we are now in the moho for the rest of Spring, all of Summer and we hope just the start of Autumn. The photo above is going to be our main location - one, cos of the view and two, as it is 3 mins drive to our...

Steeling Yourself

Steeling Yourself

When it comes time for extending yourself massively, you really need a strong support behind and underneath you. Again, life is mirroring my art. In my metaphysical serialisation, the Path to Overstanding, the flavour of thought of extension features highly, as those...

The Point of No Return

The Point of No Return

We are well into the house refurbishment now. Walls are demolished, floor ripped up, 200 tonnes of soil removed for new parking area and piles driven 6 metres into the ground to support the new 1st floor extension where it meets the garden. So, we cannot go back. We...

A Time for Refurbishment

A Time for Refurbishment

It always amuses me how life emulates art, and vice versa. Artistically right now, I am taking an old structure and giving it a makeover. Well over 12 years ago, I created the Cube of Karma, inspired by the ancient glyph of the Cube of Space. Since January this year,...

Moving Times

Moving Times

This New Moon augurs in several new moves. The most impactful on the surface is moving out of our new home into rental so that it can be made into an energy efficient eco-home. So this week is packing and transition. We are lucky, or have made our luck, that the...

The Next Orbit of the Sun

The Next Orbit of the Sun

Another Turn of the Wheel It’s fair to say the last three orbits of the Sun have been interesting for humanity. We’ve had two years of global pandemic and a year where the prospect of WW111 has raised its head. In the UK, we’ve seen the worst excesses of an...

Do Dogs Reincarnate?

Do Dogs Reincarnate?

At the start of this year, we had to say goodbye to our labradoodle Reuben. At 15, his legs gave up on him and we did the thing that all dog owners dread. I was with him as we let him go and told him that we’d see him again soon. He was a rescue dog who hadn‘t been...

Plasmatic Effervescence

Plasmatic Effervescence

The Cycles of Life So this week was the first moonth in many years that I missed publishing a blog on the New Moon. This is just a couple of days late. There is no particular reason but that I forgot but that I forgot as external events overtook my usual rhythm of...

Small Miracles

Small Miracles

This last moonth has been a bit of an eye opener. I beavered away the moonth before getting four video courses uploaded to Insight Timer (with more lined up in the wings). At last, I thought, I could move the majority of my extensive archive to one place and reduce...

The Scintillating Intelligence

The Scintillating Intelligence

My unfolding of the Path to Overstanding materials has led me to return to my study of the Tree of Life. I always found the language around the Kabbalistic tree quite obfuscating. What’s a Sepiroth after all? Of course, this challenge fits into my mission to make such...