As one orbit of the Sun completes and another is about to begin, it pays dividends to reflect back and project forward. I always remind myself that every year we share on Spaceship Earth takes us on a journey of half a billion miles around our home star.

So half a billion miles ago, we’d just moved back into our renovated house. A good 25% of it internally was still a building site. Outside was a mess of detritus and the walls weren’t insulated and windows weren’t sealed. It was good to be out of the motorhome but there was still a mountain to climb. We had bought the property to downsize but ended up extending it by a good 50% … but it is now a much more usable space for me to expand my business in a way I hadn’t planned. Having reached retirement age, I was aiming for an easy life but the Universe had other plans.

So by the Spring Equinox, the works were largely completed and I’d also re-built my online business back to where it was before we moved out of the house back in March 2023. We’d even reinstated the solar panels and the eco-credentials of the house began to prove themselves.

The National Self Build and Renovation Centre even made a case study of what we’d done – we are the first people to have had two case studies on their site.

… you can see what we did here

Tatton Two

Definition of an Adytum Creatively, a new level of flow had been found too with a new level of confidence and surety. Around this time, I found myself creating, with others, a safe space to support fellow Insight Timer guides. This turned out to be a prescient move as in July, they changed the way that revenue could be earned and many, including me, felt the rug had been pulled from underneath us.

Collectively though, there was much knowledge and experience in the group and many embarked on developing alternative and augmentative sources of income. For me, it was the kick up the proverbial I didn’t know I needed.

Since around 2009, I had been harbouring the notion of creating an online school of alchemy. So I dusted off gigabytes of files on my hard drive around the Autumn Equinox, added loads of new content and, by the time of the Winter Solstice, The Adytum had arrived. While it kind of came from nowhere, the content for it has been created over the last 20 years or so.

It consists of two main areas : namely an Outer and Inner Sanctum. There’s a side area called The Scriptorium just for authors too.

The Outer Sanctum is a safe, introductory and exploratory space for those wanting to learn how to use alchemical keys to open the door to a blissful and magical life. The Outer Sanctum is in soft launch mode now, with an amazing introductory offer, and fully open on the first New Moon of 2025 on the 29th of January. There are even two free modules on healing and money alchemy for those who just want to sample some magic in their life – links below for these.

The Inner Sanctum is an invitation-only space for those wanting to teach others. This will be opening for acolytes on and around the Spring Equinox, with several modules in the Outer Sanctum being prerequisites for those wanting to awaken to another level again.

And just when that’s enough good news for anyone for any one year, I am also launching a TV channel on a new online station called NewRealityTV. More on this in next’s moonth’s blog …

Healing Alchemy

Healing Alchemy [free]

Healing is a gift and an ability which is innate and inside everyone.
Discover simple alchemical techniques and listen to relaxing meditations to help soften and reduce dis-ease and to help you to live weller for longer.

Money alchemy

Abundant Thinking [free]

Discover how to bring abundance, in all its forms, into your world and how money is an energy which is mirrors our internal energetic state. Change your internal energy, increase your promise and the external world alters accordingly.