Do Dogs Reincarnate?

Do Dogs Reincarnate?


RIP Reuben

At the start of this year, we had to say goodbye to our labradoodle Reuben. At 15, his legs gave up on him and we did the thing that all dog owners dread. I was with him as we let him go and told him that we’d see him again soon.

He was a rescue dog who hadn‘t been treated that well. As a result, he was timid but very affectionate and, like all dogs, a little naughty from time to time. He moved silently and stole socks and underwear, attracted by the smell no doubt. He would always be a step or two behind on a walk, leaving the introduction to other dogs to one of his braver companions like Wellington or more latterly, Millie.

For the last 10 months, Millie has enjoyed being the sole centre of attention. We are planning a major house renovation next year and living in our motorhome for nine months or so. So having one, well trained dog seemed like a good idea.

The Universe and soul of Reuben obviously had other plans. My better half wasn’t seriously looking but had an alert out for small, black, male labradoodles. These are Millie’s favourites as she can boss them around.

When a dog reincarnates, as for humans, it knows its soul path and what it wants in life and what it wants to learn. So Reuben liked us and our home and wanted to come back to be brave and adventurous. He’d had enough of being mistreated and had much to give.

So, six months ago, he came back as the progeny of a female golden retriever and small male poodle. This would guarantee he would be the right size to be Millie’s companion again. He even came back with the name of Lucifer, the light shower and change bringer, to make a point. We thought Pickle was a safer name to shout as we walk him past the local church.


Welcome Pickle

His first homing wasn’t right so he managed to nudge the mind of his owner to put him up for rescue. He ended up in a caring home but his new doggie companion was nervous about living with such a ball of energy, so he was put up again for rehoming.

This time, he hit the jackpot. His owner from his previous life spotted him and within a few days, he ended up where he planned to be all along. Dogs know a thing or two.

He slotted straight in and relaxed straight away. He learned that a grumble from Millie was a nudge to back off. He worked out how to wrap his new owners around his paws and do his every bidding. He had come home and was looking forward to another life of adventure and experience.

Plasmatic Effervescence

Plasmatic Effervescence


The Cycles of Life

So this week was the first moonth in many years that I missed publishing a blog on the New Moon. This is just a couple of days late.

There is no particular reason but that I forgot but that I forgot as external events overtook my usual rhythm of creative production.

I had to take a few days out last week at the funeral of an old friend from University. He had been dying for sometime and he very bravely and candidly wrote about it. Actually with the slightest nudge from me, he produced three books of philosophy and poetry in his last two years of life. They are linked from the images above, all thoughts from a dying tosser.

I had the honour of being able to read one out at his funeral and I share one with you here which is the only one I managed to get him to record.

So this mindfully short blog is dedicated to my good and old friend, Nick John Kyneston Bushell – may your light shine brightly from Above and may you come back down to the Below soon.

Igniting the Spark

Igniting the Spark

My guest on this podcast is Stephanie James – a psychotherapist, transformational life coach, presenter, radio show and podcast host, author and film maker, so somewhat of a polymath.

In this podcast, we chat about the nature, source and infectiousness (in a nice way) of a spark.

We start from where the word ‘spark’ came from in the first place and then find out what first ‘sparked’ Stephanie off.

Etymology of Spark

Igniting the Spark

by Töm Evans with Stephanie James

Topics covered :

  • The spark within us
  • How sparks cascade
  • The source of sparks
  • How to rekindle a dampened spark
  • The importance of grounding
  • Book-ending your day
  • Marinating a spark – in dream time
  • Are sparks internal or external – or both?
  • Using the breath to really ignite the spark
  • The different forms that sparks appear in
  • Embracing all forms of emotions – that then spark things off
  • The 12 Lights of the Round Table
  • The other side of the Surrender Point
  • Awakening to a new way of being & the gift of another day
  • When Sparks Ignite : the movie : watch the trailer below

Links from the Podcast

Stephanie’s web site
The Spark Book
When Sparks Ignite : The Film

Beams of Peace

Beams of Peace

Jane MurrayIn this delightful podcast, I am chatting to fellow Insight Timer meditation teacher and the progenitor of Peacebeams, Jane Murray.

Note that this podcast contains a meditation at the end, so pull over if you are driving.

Topics we chat about:
  • The notion of a Peacebeam
  • Combining kindfulness with mindfulness
The new currency of KinderPay
  • Putting planetary resources on the balance sheet

  • KinderPay working alongside traditional currencies

  • The importance of forgiveness

  • Leaving the legacy of a kinder world

  • The interaction between love and gravity

Links from the podcast:

Beams of Peace

by Töm Evans with Jane Murray

The Path of Ascension

The Path of Ascension

In this delightful podcast, I am chatting to the intuitive channel, healer and amazingly tuned-in soul who goes by the name of Suzanne Ross.

Topics we chat about:
  • How there are no job titles quite yet for what Suzanne does
  • The transition from the corporate world
  • The magic of Sedona and Mount Shasta
  • Walk in’s and merging of consciousness
  • The dark night of the soul
  • The Great Reset and bifurcation
  • The Urantia Book
  • Earth as a decimal planet
  • Taking the 10 ascension steps
  • What being ascended means in ‘real life’
  • Creating vortices on Earth
  • The twelve aspects and archetypes
  • The Awakening of the Self
  • Shifting into a new way of being and doing

Links from the podcast:

The Path of Ascension

by Töm Evans with Suzanne Ross



Now I should state that I am really not a fan of Formula 1. To me the prospect of watching paint dry is more compelling.

That said, I am a big fan of analogy and metaphor and the concept of taking a pit stop and changing tyres for a new road ahead seemed to be very fitting to this point in my path.

My pit stop has taken more than a few seconds though. This one has stretched from May right through to the beginning of August as two events unfolded. First, my editor has been going through my novel Soulwaves and the manuscript has now been batted back across the Pond and is in my hands. Second, we at last sold our house in Surrey and can now move full time into our new eco-home.

The observant will note that the timing of these two events cannot be coincidental … especially as it means I can retire, put my slippers on, watch day time TV and play golf when I want to (the eco-house happens to be on a golf course) …

… I could alternatively move up several gears !

Space and Time

An excellently detailed edit has given the novel a new depth and expansiveness. The space I have had away from it has given a new objectiveness. Authors often fear the suggestions of editors, perhaps because it reminds them of homework at school being marked. I have been relishing receiving the perspective of another human being and plan to take it all on board PLUS being I have a new found confidence to push the boat out still further.

So this new re-tyre-ment means that I can really devote myself full time to making the novel the best it can be. I have been fortunate to stumble across, by accident, someone who has made a cover I am really proud of. Now it’s time to make sure the inside of the book comes up to the same quality.

… as both space and time are themes I play with in the book, this only seems fitting.

What kind of tyres do I need?

Formula 1 teams bear a few factors in mind when selecting their tyres in a pit stop. They think about the conditions ahead, is the track wet or dry? They consider how many laps there are to go, and if they can possibly avoid yet another pit stop. They might not even fill the car entirely up with fuel to make it lighter.

For me, I know the road ahead and am fortunate that I am not in a race. The book has taken many years to form and if it comes out by the end of this year, I will have achieved more than I ever thought possible.

So the next few laps, probably until the end of August, will involve me editing the edits. For this I will need ‘wet’ tyres that help me stick to the track and not come off the rails. Going over five chapters a day is my aim.

Another pit stop will be then required, as I slip into a new gear. September will be the month of audiobook production – also the best proof read an author can do. If I cannot say a sentence out loud, the reader will not be able to read it ‘in loud’. This will need ‘dry’ tyres as it involves a lot of handle turning and consistency and the road is pretty straight and long, with no corners, just a beginning, some re-fuelling stops and an end.

October will be a time to pull in and hand the files over to the production team for publication. A new vehicle will be assembled with a whole range of new capabilities. This vehicle will have no wheels – it will be self-powered and able to levitate – much like the spacecrafts mentioned in the book.

Like the chariot in the Tarot, I will not be the driver, but the passenger, and will allow it to take me to new pastures in bounty-full lands. My hands will be off the wheel.