Well the last moon orbit, mostly in January, was an interesting ‘moonth’ that augured in the arrival of a ‘new reality’ for me.

As I planned, the Outer Sanctum of the Adytum is now fully populated, open for business and taking students on board. For the next moon orbit, I will let it solidify and stabilise before tackling the creation of the Inner Sanctum.

As it happens, the materials for the Inner Sanctum largely exist, so again it will be all about creating videos and the structure of the path for acolytes. I’ll start laying the pathway after the next New Moon.

For the last ten years, I have mostly been creating audio assets mostly in the form of meditations, music and stories. The creation of the Adytum has given me a new found confidence talking to camera – without hesitation, repetition or hesitation – as well as skilling up in video edited. By way of example, see the scope of what I’ve published in the Outer Sanctum here …


On top of the creation of this new school of contemporary alchemy, a gift that came my way just before the end of the year was to be invited to host a show on the new metaphysical channel, New Reality TV.

Now the Outer Sanctum is complet, I’ve started to record episodes for my Practical Alchemy show and I plan to interview a guest a week going forward. Catch up on what’s already live and streaming.

First six shows on Practical Alchemy on NRTV