When you embark on an unknown path, you can guarantee a few things will occur. Firstly, you might get lost or stuck. Secondly, you might find new places, bump into new people and stumble across new opportunities. Thirdly, you may end up somewhere you never imagined.
I am fortunate and blessed that the second and third of these eventualities has fallen into my lap. To date, I have managed to deliver all the planned materials (and a few surprises to me) for the Path to Overstanding.
I knew that about now, seven moonths along the Path, things were about to open up considerably for me and those wandering along the Path with me. I had no idea however quite how significant the unfolding would be.
I have just started an exposition of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. It is one of the Master Recipes that I planned to share as it contains all 22 of the Flavours of Thought (and some more still).
The problem I have always had with studying it is how complex it has been made by those holding its keys. Study of Hebrew, Gematria and all sorts of arcane and obfuscating language form a huge barrier and steep learning curve for those who would like to benefit from the secrets held in this magical glyph.
I am fortunate that years of experience with meditation is actually the key to embracing its wisdom. So I am embarking on tuning in directly to the emanations of the Tree itself – there are 10 of them. As I do so, I am writing and recording brand new meditations so others can follow my steps. At the same time, I am aiming to un-obfuscating the language.
All in all, it is turning out to be much more of a magnum opus that I had ever imagined. I have always loved Paul Foster Case’s book, The Key to the Wisdom of Ages. It has been put to me by those Above, that what I am writing is the Keys to The Key to the Wisdom. I like to think of it as the “Keys for Dummies”.
So on this New Moon, the first batch of content is delivered which explores what is referred to as The Master Pattern. It’s only the first unveiling. There is more to come including no less than me revealing The Tree of Overstanding which is like the Tree of Life on steroids. It goes way Above and way down Below to dimensions not usually touched explicitly by the conventional Tree of Life.
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If you want to dip your toes in the water first, there’s a couple of events I should draw your attention to.
On the 7th Sept, at 2pm UK time, fellow Tarot enthusiast and Insight Time meditation guide, Keziah Gibbons, will be interviewing me about how the Tarot found me.
On the 21st Sept, again at 2pm UK time, I am running my second workshop on Insight Timer where I reveal what Overstanding the Tarot is all about.