A New Perspective
So our three month temporary rental has come to an end and we are now in the moho for the rest of Spring, all of Summer and we hope just the start of Autumn. The photo above is going to be our main location – one, cos of the view and two, as it is 3 mins drive to our house.
In other news, my audio studio has been reinstated which means that, at weekends I can record stuff (as no building work) and in the week write new stuff and edit old stuff. This is just perfect as I can keep the Overstanding project plate spinning. Also, Insight Timer are just on the cusp of launching ad hoc Premium content. You have to search for it at the mo but our profiles will be updated over June so it’s findable. I am in the beta release so have 8 tracks uploaded already see below.
It’s also inspired me to start a project I have had in mind for many years. One of my inspirations for my novel Soulwaves was Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. While not as funny as ‘The Guide’, the observant amongst you will spot the references, like Deep Thought and the teleporting dolphins.
To this day, the original radio show is by far the best version – better than the book, TV show or film.
In lockdown, inspired by the novel Soulwaves, I composed an album of ambient music to augment the book. Now is the time to merge the audiobook and album into a mullti-part ‘meditale’ … streaming soon exclusively via Insight Timer Premium. Watch and listen to this ‘space-time’.