New Auspices
So at the end of February 2023 last year, we moved out of our house ahead of a major renovation. We’ve been back in from just before Xmas but largely ‘camping’ on one floor. By the end of February this year though, virtually all the works will be complete and normality can resume but under new auspices.
This year has already started with everything being taken up a gear or three.
I’ve given my meditations and ambience a push in a new direction with more a series of meditative enquiries and a more compositional and layered approach to music. For examples, listen to …
What’s On Your Mind? (enquiry)
Riding Your Thought Stream (enquiry)
The serialisation of Soulwaves : A Future History is on track, with two parts already available via IT Premium. By October this year, I aim for all 10 parts (each consisting of 10 chapters) to be live.
There’s also a new course published this month called the Keys to Overstanding – it will be first of many where I share esoteric wisdom from my ‘magnum opus’ The Book of Overstanding.
I’ve also completed the first of a series of interviews with like minded souls with a wonderful conversation with the uber-talented musician, singer, actress and disrupter, Hannah Reimann.
… and it’s only week 1 of February !!
But what off these new auspices?
Well for quite a while now, I have used the Twelve Councillors of the Light as my muse. They ‘helped’ me write Soulwaves and Insertions, as well as the all meditations and music that accompanied them.
Last year, I was ‘introduced’ to a different set of intelligences called The Four … you can listen to a podcast about them below …
Now, I will admit that I don’t know if the Council and The Four are real or imaginary. What I can report is that, if I imagine that they are real, all sorts of wondrous magic pops along at the most perfect times.
… and here’s an image of The Four channelled by Sïrï Oplï