
Discover the enlightened way to clear writer’s block and find your creative flow

Very often writer’s block is a manifestation of a life block. Clear one and the other will disappear.

You are only one book away from writing and publishing your own book.

BlocksBlocks is an easy to follow guide to unlocking your true creative potential.

This practical and comprehensive book takes you on a journey of the mind to help you banish your blocks forever and tap into an abundant flow of inspiration and creativity.

This book is for anyone who writes regularly, whether professionally or for pleasure. Nearly everyone will at some point have found themselves unable to get into their creative flow and achieve the literary results they are looking for.

‘Blocks’ explains why we get stuck and how to get unblocked.

Note that although ‘Blocks’ was written primarily for authors, it can equally be used by artists, musicians and any one involved in any creative process.

List of Contents

1. So Why Write A Book?
2. Making Time To Write
3. Getting In The Groove
4. So What’s Stopping You?
5. Whole Brain Thinking
6. Mapping Your Mind
7. Whole Mind Not-Thinking
8. The Superconsciousness
9. Becoming Fear-less
10. Vestigial Minds
11. The Physicality Of Inspiration
12. Using Dreamtime
13. Reader-Centric Writing
14. Expanding Time
15. Being An Author

And here’s the mind map I used to write the book from.

Blocks Mind Map