For as long as I can remember, I have had a painful right knee. I’ve had various treatments and fixes over the years but nothing has really worked and now I am down to bone on bone. Even if you aren’t medically trained, I think you can see the problem in the banner above – the knee on the left is my right knee.
By the time this auspicious New Moon of the 6th October 2021, I will have one of these implants inserted – an insertion of a different sort perhaps.
So why share it in this blog? Well, my first ever overnight in a hospital bed is a reminder of my mortality but it also represents a turning point. I have literally limped along for most of my life and achieved a fair amount. I am wondering where I might go once I can walk well again for the first time since my childhood.
Naturally, the operation is the just first step. There will be a recovery and recuperation period with physio. Like all these life resets though, there is an opportunity to get other parts of the house in order.
One of these has been inspired by an amazing happenstance. When I found the extraordinary surgeon and biomedical engineer who can perform this procedure on my knee, Professor David Barrett, I also chanced upon his ex-surgical practitioner, Mery Zanutto. I love it when adversity leads to fantabulous serendipity.
Apart from knowing lots about knees, and confirming this procedure is the right one for me, Mery is one of life’s polymaths with many strings to her bow, see
And I am so proud Mery has already added another string to that bow, she is now a meditation guide on Insight Timer and her first track is entitled Walking Well – listen to it and others here
Don’t you just love it when that happens? What goes around so comes around.
Last Moonth’s Output
So the usual Insertions ambient track, meditation and lecture are all available via Soundwise. A whole gamut of stuff has appeared on Insight Timer, too much to list but you can find it all here.
What I am really excited and chuffed about though is formalising my offer that many meditation guides have adopted and that’s using my ambient music as backgrounds to their meditations.
So there’s a new Soundcast that I will add to monthly where you can sample them and when you subscribe, you’ll get a link to a page with the direct download page.
Note that there is a small annual subscription but if you subscribe to the whole package, it’s included.
Subscribe to all my premium content for just $79.99 (paid annually)
Next Moonth’s Output
As I am going ‘under the knife’, I’ve got the whole of October’s Soundwise content recorded and scheduled for publication. I have to tell you that I have taken the brakes off and I am revealing alchemical magic that even surprises me. Hold on to your hats.
I am also really thankful to Siri Opli who is posting the daily Just for Today’s. We are creating a Minor Arcana deck with two differences – 15 cards per suit and five suits no less. This time the tables are turned as I have written them already and Siri uses the words to inspire her art.
While all this is going on, I’ve paused the writing of the Duadex for a while – listen here for why.