by Tom Evans | Oct 16, 2020 | Scribing
So while the UK opened up, we managed to get a full three and a half week’s of touring in a working motorhome – with no recourse to call out the RAC.
And while I was away, I used the time to bring the Soulwaves : A Future History side-projects to a close while “Insertions” was being edited.
So the Soulwaves Ambient album is completed with the addition of a one hour ambient track called Parting the Veil …
… and the Soul-full Path guided series is brought to a close with the one hour guided track called The Paths of Return – see and hear them in this blog post
Both side-projects rock in at just under four hours long and there are links to listen to them in my new Soundwise App.
Both were written and planned while away and created on my return – and note that, in 2021, the 12 short stories in Insertions will be complemented and augmented by 12 ambient and guided tracks inspired by numerology …
… as one door closes, another opens.
Last Moonth’s Output
So even though I was away, the creation and publication engine was primed ahead of my departure and back-filled when I returned … here’s about half of it.
What’s Happening Next Moonth?
So next moonth I am doing something I haven’t really done for any of my previous books – I am planning the launch for Soulwaves : Insertions.
If the wind is behind me and in the right direction, I’ll also do a beta release of the audiobook for pre-review to my Launch Crew.
I’ll also have a play with some musical ideas for the album and meditations plus there may be the odd podcast.
… I am also open for my soul to show me another way I hadn’t envisaged!
by Tom Evans | Dec 21, 2015 | Chatting
For quite some time this year, I had only female guests on the Zone Show. I was starting to think that the intelligent male of the species we call ‘homo sapiens’ had left the planet.
In the same way buses have the habit of coming along in threes, normal service has been resumed and I was blessed with these conversations with Three Wise Men.
Enjoy … and big, big thanks to Sara Sgarlat, you are not just brilliant at author publicity but also at connecting souls.
For author promotion extraordinaire, check out Sgarlat Publicity
A Man Inspired : show notes and useful links
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”A Man Inspired” artist=”Lance Secretan” social=”true” image=”×300.jpg” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]
Quantum Thinking is Vital : show notes and useful links
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Quantum Thinking is Vital” artist=”Amit Goswami” social=”true” image=”” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]
A New Psychology : show notes and useful links
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”A New Psychology” artist=”Richard Barrett” social=”true” image=”×300.jpg” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]
by Tom Evans | May 22, 2015 | Expanding
I was honoured this week to interview one of my heroes and one of the leading thinkers on the planet at the moment, Amit Goswami, on the Zone Show.
His latest book, Quantum Economics: Unleashing the Power of an Economics of Consciousness, is a landmark in new thinking and paves the way for a new way for us to both run our planet and our individual lives.
Topics covered :
- How a quantum physicist came to be writing about economics
- How economists can get their head around the world of quantum
- The new science of the subtle and the domain of potentiality
- The advent of vital energy products and enhancing human capital
- How quantum physics can be applied to the social arena
- How quantum economics can create a bridge and balance between the 1st and 3rd Worlds
- How the pharmaceutical industry could benefit from tapping into vital energies
- A theory about the true nature of dark matter and energy
- How everyone can embrace and tap into vital energy
- What a quantum political manifesto would read like
- How to become a consumer and lover of subtle energy
Useful Links
Amit Goswami’s web site
Buy the book on Amazon
Follow Amit’s Tweets