How to Spot a Humangel
From time to time an angel reincarnates on the Earth plane. They are normally from the lower ranks. Clarence in It’s a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart is good example of one. They are known as Humangels.
They come to re-learn or re-experience. They come to observe. They come to support at time of transition. Like all forms of life, they are sometimes Angels-in-waiting.
They are all around us and here’s how to spot one:
- They are drawn to the caring, teaching, healing or creative professions.
- They often don’t know what they are.
- They are too humble, and can be quite scared, to acknowledge what they are.
- They have a twinkle in their eye.
- They can heal with a touch.
- They can heal with a thought.
- They see the world with different eyes.
- They see the future and can change what’s past.
- They are mavericks and abhor convention and dogma.
- They bring messages and fresh wisdom.
- They bring oodles of serendipity.
- They are both claircogniscent and clairsentient.
- They perform what looks like magic.
- They turn up repeatedly in your life at your turning points and forks in your road.
- Their messages arrive in unexpected ways and forms.
- They are the harbingers of serendipity.
Pay attention the next time a bell rings … it might be for you.