The normal human mind can only have one thought at a time.
Just think about what you are thinking about and the thing you are thinking about gets replaced with the thought you are having about that thought.
Just read the above sentence again, pause from reading this article and just check the validity of this notion.
So armed with this new knowledge about the way we think, this gives us the most amazing insight when it comes to our time management.
“If we are focused on anything else other than the task in hand, time will slip away from us.”
So just think about this for a few seconds, these are the Five Bandits of Time …
Switching away from the current task
Being diverted away from the current task
Fretting over the past
Worrying about the future
Thinking about something too much
If you read conventional time management books, they will be awash with tips and techniques on how to priortise better and how to stop interruptions. I recommend Time Management for Dummies, by Clare “no relation” Evans, to help with these first two Time Bandits.
There is nothing much out there that deals with the last three Time Bandits though – until now that is !!!!
Change the way you think and add hours to your days
Many time management systems teach you how to better prioritise and how to beat procrastination. This system is fundamentally different – it shows you how to change the speed of your thoughts, using meditative and mindfullness techniques, so you change the subjective passage of time.
Learn how to control your own Personal Time Machine – your Mind.
This ecourse contains over four hours of mind altering exercises and visualisations to take you into altered and heightened states of consciousness. The programme is simple to follow, completely safe and also very, very relaxing.
Take some Time Out to give yourself more Me-Time and you will get your investment back in this revolutionary time management programme in no time at all.
Big Thanks to Lea Woodward and Jackie Walker for pointing me earlier this year at the most fabulous animation tool called Powtoon.
It allows ‘numpties’ like me to put together pretty amazing trailers for product and book promotions – there’s just a few examples below of what you can do with it.
And even better still, they have invited me to do a animation series on how best to communicate a message in Just a Minute … watch the trailer here
Powtoon Application #001 : Product Promotion
I prepared this short trailer to promote my Bending Time ecourse
Powtoon Application #002 : Web Site Landing Page
Here’s a trailer for a new web site for the marvellously talented Sue Warwick
I even used Powtoon to build a whole Udemy training course based on an earlier book called Flavours of Thought. This animation is just one of 30 in the course which comprise over 160 minutes of animated content – phew !!
The dictionary definition of the word prescience implies it is somehow possible receive fore-knowledge ahead of when things have actually happened.
We can ’see’ this more clearly when we insert a simple hyphen to get “pre-science”.
It could explain how Leonardo da Vinci was able to sketch helicopters and parachutes. Many other scientists and visionaries seem to receive their insights in visions or even dreams.
Newton ’got’ gravity in a split second and took the rest of his life working out the maths of apples falling to earth. The chemist Kekulé dreamt of a snake eating its own tail and then made the intuitive leap to work out the ring structure of the benzene ring which lead to the basis of all organic chemistry.
For mere mortals, making giant leaps of scientific discovery may not be high on our daily To Do lists. However if we are involved in the creative industries, being able to see the ’near-future’ could have its uses. We could ’see’ what is is we need to create, be it the title and words for a book or the scope and shape of a client’s marketing campaign. If you work in the financial sector, knowing what to invest in is obviously useful. Note that there are reasons why we can’t simply get the lottery numbers.
But how do you go about getting into the state where such flashes of insight pop in?
Well the key lies in learning how to enter the meditative state at will – ideally with your eyes open. What then happens is that time and ’The Now’ softens and we find it easier to resonate with both the past and future versions of ’Us’. Rupert Sheldrake describes the mechanism whereby this occurs in his wonderful theories called morphic resonance. By quietening the conscious mind and that inner chatter, past memories become more accessible as do ‘future memories’.
The diagram below shows how an author can tune into the words they have yet to write. If our conscious mind is active, it blocks the flow.
If you don’t know how to meditate and can’t make your mind go blank, help is at hand.
The Manage Your Time with Mindfulness ecourse is designed not only to show you how to stretch time by changing the speed of your thoughts but also how to tune into ‘future memories’.
Change the way you think and add hours to your days
Many time management systems teach you how to better prioritise and how to beat procrastination. This system is fundamentally different – it shows you how to change the speed of your thoughts, using meditative and mindfullness techniques, so you change the subjective passage of time.
Learn how to control your own Personal Time Machine – your Mind.
This ecourse contains over four hours of mind altering exercises and visualisations to take you into altered and heightened states of consciousness. The programme is simple to follow, completely safe and also very, very relaxing.
You will also find out that we have different time clocks running all over our bodies!
Take some Time Out to give yourself more Me-Time and you will get your investment back in this revolutionary time management programme in no time at all.