Töm’s Tomes

Töm’s Tomes

Sometimes adversity and frustration can get us down. I’ve been holding on to a nagging frustration for more years than is healthy. It festered into being quite annoying recently last moonth. Something had to be done.

So I resigned myself to cosmic forces and gave up pushing water uphill and then idea came along in the hypnopompic space, on the morning the clocks went back giving that other hour.

The idea was so wondrous and sublimely brilliant that I now do not want to give any energy to the events that led to this amazing opportunity, apart from to thank them for their nudge and guidance.

It is one of those ideas that is so obvious that you wonder why you didn’t think of it before.

As shared in this blog, for the last two moonths, I have been working on launching a much revamped version of my course to help authors get their books to flow through them. The first moonth was one of review and trying out a platform that just wasn’t up to the job. The second moonth was one of creation of new assets and a revised structure using the platform I am now running with.

I just love Thinkific.

So it’s with great pleasure and pride that I can announce that from today, this November’s New Moon, my new course Channeling for Authors is ready to accept prospective authors. I am releasing it for a launch price for the foreseeable future, which is even better value now due to the revelation that came my way.

For nearly 20 years now, I have been writing and publishing books, recording audiobooks and generating many assets to go with them, such as interviews, videos, meditations and, most recently, ambient music.

It dawned on me that all of these wondrous creations are spread across many platforms like Amazon, Audible and, most recently, Insight Timer. None of these platforms though allow me to mix and consolidate media types. All the assets associated with each book are hard even for me to find and share. I’ve also created a few innovative ways to share the books in a way I have never done before.

Tom’s TomesSo along with the launch of Channeling for Authors, I am really chuffed to have appended a bonus section called Töm’s Tomes, plus another module on my channelings of the future. This is a single repository, full of esoteric and metaphysical explorations, which forms a considerable and ever expanding archive. It gives new authors loads of examples of how a book can be structured. It’s a celebration too of a creative spark that shows no signs of abating.

So, as well as the channeled books themselves, thanks to Thinkific’s support for multiple media types, you can find associated interviews, explanatory videos and all sorts of other treats and goodies – all in one place. To deepen your appreciation of the course materials, you will be able to see many examples of channeled writing, as well as the ancillary assets we as authors can generate to augment the reader and listener experience … and market our books.

Channeling the Future

Its curation got be out of a fug and inspired me greatly on the run up to this New Moon and my hope and aim is that it collation similarly inspires and ‘edutains’ you as an author and creator. All legacies start with one book and all books start with one word.

p.p.s. I’ve also published a free module for the Adytum which shares some techniques of how to deal with dis-ease.

p.p.s. as mentioned, this whole inspiration arrived in the hypnopompic state last weekend when we had another hour in bed. It was in this state that the whole of the first chapter, and premise, of Time Restored arrived. To similarly inspire you, let me share a meditation called Hypnopompia Extended to help you access the transition consciousness …

… and a guided meditation and co-creation with Ada and Nathan Ketchie (Wakes) called Awaken from the Awakened Dream

Healing Alchemy

Healing Alchemy [free]

Healing is a gift which is inside everyone.
Discover simple alchemical techniques to help soften dis-ease and help you to live weller for longer.

Book Alcchemy

Channeling for Authors

Want to write and publish a book but don’t know how to go about it? Start today at a special launch price for self-study or contact me if you’re interested in 1-2-1 mentoring.

Flavours of Thought New Edition

I am so thrilled to announce that, less than a year since I wrote the original book, Flavours of Thought is now in its Second Edition.

The second edition of course includes all the ancient wisdom in the same contemporary context as the first but now there are some added juicy bits such as:

– Seven brand new Chef’s Special Recipes (as requested by Facebook Fans)

– a brand new section on Practical Floughtology which includes

– how to concoct your own recipes

– how to use the flavours in business with five new recipes

– three special recipes on how to create abundance

The Second Edition is available straight away in the Amazon Kindle Store

Amazon UK

Amazon US

Amazon DE – but in English, any publishers who would like to republish and translate, get in touch

The second edition print version is also available directly for orders placed on CompletelyNovel but will take a few weeks to ripple through the online publishing world – get the print version here


If you already have a copy of the first edition and want the new parts of the book, I will email them to you as an ebook absolutely free – yep, for nothing, nada.

All you have to do to keep everything in karmic balance is write a review on Amazon (or any other online book store or site), let me know when it’s up and I will wing it over to you. Can’t say fairer than that !!!

What People Are Saying About It

“It’s brilliant! I love the idea of thinking about thoughts in a way that encourages my intuition, without embroiling me in my intellect.”

“This book is intrinsically simple. Simple to read; simple to understand; simple to apply. Its simplicity is what makes it genius.”

“This book takes personal development it to a different level. No stuffy 50 year old theories that people still hang their hats on. Refreshing, thought provoking and inspirational.”

“I find it absolutely fascinating and I read parts of it every day. It inspires me and is already enabling me to make adjustments and to fine tune areas of my life that are in need.”

“Oh my, you are brilliant with your wit and insight.”

“This is a delightfully simple journey into self development that can be used to build a much larger and more powerful framework. I believe it hints at an even greater innovation for the personal development industry. I thoroughly recommend you read it and judge for yourself.”

“Through gaining an understanding of the flavours in my thought process and applying the recipes, I am now positively dealing with being hurt and rejected and using them to remove frustration and to find my soul path.”

“I have applied recipes to my business, to my writing and to the way I chose to live. I can now see that in every situation, I have a glass half full mentality where before there may have been despair.”

“I am completely blown away by the concept of just 21 flavours creating zillions of recipes to enrich your life. You take our basic thought processes simplify them, map them and then suggest ways recipes to open up new thought process.”

“This is one inspirational, magical and thought changing book that has the power to change your very being.”

“This is a unique, insightful and thoroughly enjoyable read. If there is a more accessible way of accessing and understanding these issues then I have not, as yet, come across it. Tom has opened up a perspective to our thoughts, emotions and behaviour that is insightful and compelling. Thoroughly unique and enjoyable I will certainly be using this book time and again to follow the recipes as given and to create some of my own.”

“Tom’s a master at taking a concept and pushing it … he’s done it simply and accessibly. Readers have no option but to wake up and taste differences in their lives in all manner of ways. My feeling it is a turning point for many readers.”

“Flavours of Thought is so easy to read I hardly knew I was reading it. I ‘woke up’ from it feeling refreshed, calm and ready to embrace my fulfilment.”

“This is a delicious recipe book, filled with fresh ideas for thinking outside of the box. On first pass, I bookmarked several ‘recipes’ that resonated with me quite deeply and on my second read I discovered the richness that comes from combining deceptively simple ideas! If you are looking for a new way to think about your goals, challenges and emotions in light-hearted yet effective way then Flavours of Thought will certainly whet your appetite!”