Paths of Return
The Paths of Return
This month has been nothing less than amazing … and that’s after a load of amazing months.
It has been a time when many threads have come together and many seeds planted years ago finally germinated. The only factor was time.
Thanks to the new Insight Timer courses, my meditations have lead to a steady, monthly sleeping income from sales of The Art of Timefulness course. Just today, I recorded the 30th of 30 new meditations for my second course which will go live in the New Year. A third course will follow 6 or so months later. A monthly ‘pension’ of sorts is now flowing in which means I can create even more and more.
By way of confirmation, I was interviewed at the start of the month about my career, and path, to date by Helena Holrick and Kelly Tyler for their ChangeMaker Portal – here’s an extract that you might find amusing.
The upshot is that it can take all your life to become an overnight success and that we can end up in a better place than we planned by not having a plan, watching the signs and going with the flow.
Another big realisation came to me this month when I was researching what will be my 18th book – an opus coming out around this time next year. It is said there are 32, or 33, Paths of Return. I have always thought this was too low. This is because paths can be combined and interleaved. So if there are indeed 33 paths, it occurred to me there are 33 factorial ways they can be combined, at the very least.
It is this theme that I will be exploring in 2019 – so which of 8,683,317,618,811,886,495,518,194,401,280,000,000 paths do you plan to follow?
What’s Next?
Now the 30 day course is in the can, I plan to get back to completing the last 10% or so of my novel Soulwave in December. This should give me enough time to have it edited and done and dusted in time for my birthday next March.
The publication of the course on Insight Timer means I can drop at least two, if not three, meditation courses that I currently self-host. This means I can reduce hosting costs and get rid of loads of clutter on my web site. At the same time, all of this, and the above, allows another domino to fall down. Over the course of 2019, all my current course materials will be revamped, augmented and rebranded under the Big Ü banner and form a new course that leads on from the Big Ü book called the Biggest Ü.
More monthly musings this time next month as 2018 comes to a natural close …