Crossing Over
This month sees a couple of new crossings over. One of them was planned and the other unexpected and accidental.
Crossing #1 : Non-fiction to fiction
The first planned crossing is from non-fiction author to post-dystopian cyberpunk novelist as the first draft, at 100k words, is now with the editor. It started 14 years and 16 books ago and I’m now turning th handle on the publication process. I am hoping ebook, audiobook and print book will leak out into the world between June and September this year.
To signify this first crossing, I have assumed the de plume Töm Evans, in memory of my Irish godmother Eileen who often called me “Thom”. This will be the fictional author name going forward – a kind of soft and subtle nom de plume which I hope doesn’t come across as being slight affected.
The book covers are also in production, featuring Valles Marineris on Mars and a special kind of non-spherical supernova – both key elements in the plot.
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Crossing #2 : Selling Time to Providing Content
It’s the dream of any artist to make money while they sleep so that they can focus on their art. The arrival of my second course on Insight Timer seems to have helped me make that crossing, somewhat unexpectedly.
What’s more the feedback for my new Mindfulness for Busy People Course, surpasses even my expectations and has encouraged me to start thinking about the next course (and the next work of fiction)
“Some days I feel like you’re sitting next to me at the kitchen table, sharing a nice cup of tea, and musing on life. Each meditation is exactly the right thing I need to hear on exactly the right day. Bless you, Tom.”
“The title of your course jumped off the screen at me and I was hooked. As the saying goes, when the student is ready the teacher appears, so I thank you sincerely. I am on day six, and am loving this.”
“I know I’m going to sound funny saying this but it’s like this guided meditation course was made exactly for me. Every word was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. This path of meditation and awareness is still fairly new to me and it’s so easy to let the ego and negative moments in my life to take over. This course is exactly what my soul needs. Thank you Tom.”
“Dear Tom, you have one of the most amazing voices here on Earth. I’ve listened to you quite a bit and I’ve become familiar with the tone of your voice, which means that I am now instantly relaxing within seconds after starting any of your meditations.”