How to Find Your Soul Mate

How to find your soul mate

Our language gives so much away. What we say, and our body language as we say it, give us an insightful picture of what is really going on in our minds and our bodies.

We say things like, “My heart’s not in this” or “I wished I’d followed my heart”.

It’s becoming clear that our neurology, and sentience of the world around us, is not just limited to our head and the five classical senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.

Our gut senses danger and also informs us if something is a good idea or not. Our heart feels too. It can be broken, it can feel luke warm about something or positively glowing and besotted with a person, a situation or an idea.

What neuroscientists are just discovering has been known by the ancients for thousands of years. We have active mind centres all over our body. The seven primary centres are sometimes referred to as our chakras.

Most people are unaware of them and their function but everyone has experienced imbalances and blockages in them at sometime or other.

One of the most powerful is the heart chakra – and like all other points, it emits an energy field which can be picked up by others. The field naturally beams out in a spiral in front and behind us. It both emits and receives love.

When we take it under conscious control, we can perform amazing feats which may seem a bit like magic. We can heal with it, we can soften tense situations, we can also use it to both locate and attract our our soul mate.

Activate Your Heart RayFree Find Your Soul Mate Visualisation

Find out how to activate your heart ray to resonate with, and attract, your perfect soul mate. It also works for finding that perfect job, ideal customers and the home of your dreams.

Until the end of February, listen to it free along with a free bonus visualisation to help you soften tense situations.

Note, that I am passionate about data privacy, so your email will not be shared with any third parties.

Time Heals

Healing with TimeOne of the obvious outcomes from learning to ’bend time’ is being able to get more things done in less time.

Recently I’ve discovered that the principles behind time bending can be used in the healing process.

I studied timeline therapy some years ago which uses regression and progression in the healing process. It is a useful technique which largely relies on imagination to work.

By ’softening time’, however, I found the existing physical and mental trauma can actually be ’loosened’ and replaced by the pre-existing ’undamaged’ part of the body, or psyche.

Furthermore, the healing can be further enhanced by sprinkling in a bit of future entanglement. When healing an externally visible complaint, you can even see it blur and disappear in front of your eyes.

This technique uses ’morphic resonance’, as described and popularised by Rupert Sheldrake, so the symptom in the present is ’vapourised’ and replaced by healthy tissues or neurology. The process is especially powerful when combined with ‘Reiki-style’ energy healing and a sprinkling of Soul Part Integration.

Even I am surprised at how effective, quick and permanent the treatments are working. The types of things that can be instantly healed almost defy logic and current medical science.

So if you have a nagging physical or psychological complaint you’d like to get rid of, make this year your best yet and get in touch to book a session.

Sessions are best done face to face but can also be performed over Skype anywhere in the world.

If you are a coach, healer or therapist who would like to learn how to ’heal with time’, I will be demonstrating and teaching the techniques live at the next Bending Time Workshop.

Contact me to book a healing session …