The Path of Ascension

The Path of Ascension

In this delightful podcast, I am chatting to the intuitive channel, healer and amazingly tuned-in soul who goes by the name of Suzanne Ross.

Topics we chat about:
  • How there are no job titles quite yet for what Suzanne does
  • The transition from the corporate world
  • The magic of Sedona and Mount Shasta
  • Walk in’s and merging of consciousness
  • The dark night of the soul
  • The Great Reset and bifurcation
  • The Urantia Book
  • Earth as a decimal planet
  • Taking the 10 ascension steps
  • What being ascended means in ‘real life’
  • Creating vortices on Earth
  • The twelve aspects and archetypes
  • The Awakening of the Self
  • Shifting into a new way of being and doing

Links from the podcast:

The Path of Ascension

by Töm Evans with Suzanne Ross