Starting a ‘Wave
When you haven’t written a book, getting it actually published can seem like a bit of a mountain to climb.
When you do get it published, it can appear like another bigger and harder mountain appears – and that’s to tell people about it and to get them to read it.
In the lull between the editing and publication process, I spent much time meditating and dog walking, allowing ideas and memes to come to me as to how to go about it.
I kicked off four of the ideas this month and already the ‘wave is building and propagating around the world.
Wave #1 : Getting Readers Together
This is beneficial on many levels.
Readers get to meet other like minded souls and the book connects them actually using the intrinsic force of soulwaves. Readers can also connect with me and ask me anything, as can I of them. Hopefully readers will tell other people to become readers and to join the Facebook Group. This builds the ‘wave.
By far and away the best benefit of the group is going to be the moonthly waves that we start together. The first one will be propagating out on the next New Moon, the 23rd Feb.
This one will be an Abundance Wave!
Join the Group here if you want to catch it …
Wave #2 : Creating Ambience
In the tradition of Jeff Lynne and War of the Worlds, and lesser known but much better Snowgoose by Camel, I am embarking on creating a album of ambient meditative music inspired by my own book, Soulwaves.
I have found a new guitar teacher who is helping me with composition and the first track is really me just getting my head around Abelton.
It covers the first five chapters where our hero descends from the Void to the Density, ending up with him in his mother’s womb.
They will appear first in the private Facebook group, then on Insight Timer on each Full Moon – you can also listen to it here.
Track 1 : Insertion
Wave #3 : Providing Guidance
And around each New Moon, I am releasing a guided meditation which explores how we can strengthen our connection with our soul.
This first track, Being Soul-full, is a gentle introduction and warm up.
Incidentally, it uses the background layer from next month’s ambient track. It warmed my soul when one Insight Timer meditator posed this question.
Meditation 1 : Being Soul-full
Wave #4 : Enlightened Converations
I have found podcasting is by far and away the best way to make soul-to-soul connections, without leaving your home.
My podcast, The Zone Show, was in mothballs while I moved house and finished off Soulwaves last year.
This year it’s back with a splash and my first guest was the amazing Joanna Penn – and I am guest #2 with my new co-host Jackie Roberts. You can watch our conversation in the video below (or catch it on The Zone ShowThe Zone Show).