Near Death Experiences
Author and world leading expert on Near-Death Experiences, PMH Atwaters, share her wisdom this process which is more common than is thought. She has died and come back three times so has been there and got the NDE T-shirt too.
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Topics we explore:
- How she got the ‘first name’ PMH
- NDE as heavenly sledgehammers
- Four elements of an NDE
- How NDEs differ between children and adults
- After effects of NDEs
- How the soul attaches and detaches
- What NDEs tell us about death – and life
- What scientists think about NDEs
- Why clinicians should be mindful when treating those who have had an NDE
- The ‘weight’ of the soul
- The power of the universal breath
- What’s next for PMH?
Useful Links
Find out more about PMH, her books, marketplace and services at:
PHM Atwater’s Main Web Site
PMH Atwater’s books on Amazon
Dying to Know You