How to Have A Great Week : part #002
So before the start of another week and, for me, another week of blogging as part of the Ultimate Blog Challenge … how can you make it go much better than the last?
Firstly, make sure you’ve filled in the audit of last week in part 1 …
Then complete the exercise below:
How to Have a Great Week – Part 002
Before rushing into next week in the same way you handled the last, make some notes of what just transpired.
1. Write down three things you would like to happen
2. Write down three things you would like to learn
3. Write down three signs that would signify to you that a change is underway
– then for each day of the week, keep a journal of all the good things that came your way. Some of them will be unexpected; some of them will be on your list – for each of them as they come in, remember to say “Thank You”
Optionally, to superpower your week, now listen to this guided visualisation and send unconditional love into all the situations, tasks and people you’ve mentioned above and let the week unfold