A Spring in My Step

A Spring in My Step

Soulwaves PlaylistThis moonth, the plan that emerged at the start of the year – after the much needed stock-taking hiatus – is starting to unfold.

The serialisation of Soulwaves is nearing the half way point and it’s a real pleasure for me to listen to something I wrote nearly five years ago. It’s a double pleasure to merge the audiobook with the albums of ambient music that it inspired. The few that listen to it seem to like it and I have now created a playlist to make all the parts easier to find. All in all, it’s one component of my creation of legacy of content in one place.

Listen to the serialisation here …

While the Soulwaves project is massive in scope – especially if it turns out to be prophetically even part-true, the Big Project though is the creation of my Magnum Opus – listen to the background to it here …

Flavours of ThoughtThe first part is already available as a course on Insight Timer and I plan to publish a course a month, probably up to the end of 2025.

Check out Flavours of Thought Part #1 : Ethereal Whispers

Our home has really come together – just waiting for the temperature to rise so the rendering can be applied and for our solar installer to add the panels to get our energy usage to net zero. We are close too to having our rainwater harvesting system working which will probably augur months with no rain.

We’ve been busy too in the DIY department and have created a larder which we are quite proud of – in the same style as the walk-in wardrobe I build a couple of months back. The acoustic panels are not only stylish but also wonderfully deaden the room spaces.

All in all, it feels great to be Springing Forwards

Tatton Larder After

The Path is Open

The Path is Open

Sometimes when you start a project, you may harbour some uncertainties. We might think we are fooling ourselves or that we may have taken too much on board.

Setting my stall out to deliver a whole course in esoteric unfoldment over a 24 moonth period, in a time of global uncertainty, falls into that category.

The only thing is that I am entering my fourth moonth of content generation and it’s going swimmingly. The technical platform is good (I did test that for a year). I have a mind map that encapsulates all the content and literally ‘maps out’ The Path To Overstanding. The production of the complementary deck of Tarot Cards is proceeding, at its own pace, in parallel.

What is most encouraging though is that I am always asking for signs by way of confirmation. The biggest sign we get is resistance which tends to block our creative flow. We become a busy fool, getting on with other irrelevances first. This isn’t happening.

The other blockage is that people aren’t buying into the material. This too is not the case as there’s a steady flow of subscribers. As you walk down the path with me, you can ask questions of me on the Soundwise app, on a track by track basis, and also interact with other like minded souls.

Up to now, I’ve not marketed the Path officially. Partly this is because I wanted to ensure I could deliver the quality and quantities of materials I had planned. It looks like I can.

As a result, the chocks are coming off and the Path is well and truly open.

Go to my home page for more details …

… you can also sign up to the first Soundcast for free

… and listen to a sample from Arcanum, my third ambient album here

The Significance of an Equinox

March Equinox 2013This post has been timed for publication on the day and exact time of the Spring Equinox …

The exact time of this cosmically significant event is 20th March at 11:02 UTC

From where I am sitting and where you are reading this blog, we are completely unaware of this twice yearly event – and why should we be? In our modern day world where we are totally in control, nothing as trivial as the orientation of the Earth could possibly have any effect on us … surely?

When viewed from space however, a different perspective emerges. We can see clearly that half the world is in darkness and half in light. Well there is nothing new there as it is like that every day of the year. The difference is that the cusp between light and dark is lined up with the rotational axis of the planet.

This means that every person on the planet experiences approximately the same amount of daylight and darkness, apart from those standing right on the Poles … and of course miners and submariners.

The exact time and day of the equinox, however, is not strictly that important. What is significant is that we should use it as a time for reflection. Too often our years just bleed into each other with each one following the pattern of the last. The fact that the Earth goes around in circles doesn’t mean we have to.

It doesn’t matter so much if there is any astrological or cosmological significance to the Equinox, just that every so often we should take stock and do some forward planning and, once we’ve done that, we should take action.

Spring is a great time to start a new project – for example, I’ve written all my books in Spring – something I only realised after I’d published the fourth book !

So for the last two months I have been planning and Mind Mapping my next book – today I start to write it in earnest !!

So, whether you are planning to write a book, or not, take some time out today to Spring Forward and so the seeds of what you are going to grow over the next 12 months.

Note, although the word equinox is often understood to mean “equal [day and] night”, this is not strictly true. For most locations on Earth, there are two distinct identifiable days per year when the length of day and night are closest to being equal; those days are referred to as the “equiluxes” to distinguish them from the equinoxes. Equinoxes are points in time when the Sun is right over the equator. Equiluxes are days which can be a couple of weeks either side and can vary depending where we are on the planet.