Igniting the Spark

Igniting the Spark

My guest on this podcast is Stephanie James – a psychotherapist, transformational life coach, presenter, radio show and podcast host, author and film maker, so somewhat of a polymath.

In this podcast, we chat about the nature, source and infectiousness (in a nice way) of a spark.

We start from where the word ‘spark’ came from in the first place and then find out what first ‘sparked’ Stephanie off.

Etymology of Spark

Igniting the Spark

by Töm Evans with Stephanie James

Topics covered :

  • The spark within us
  • How sparks cascade
  • The source of sparks
  • How to rekindle a dampened spark
  • The importance of grounding
  • Book-ending your day
  • Marinating a spark – in dream time
  • Are sparks internal or external – or both?
  • Using the breath to really ignite the spark
  • The different forms that sparks appear in
  • Embracing all forms of emotions – that then spark things off
  • The 12 Lights of the Round Table
  • The other side of the Surrender Point
  • Awakening to a new way of being & the gift of another day
  • When Sparks Ignite : the movie : watch the trailer below

Links from the Podcast

Stephanie’s web site
The Spark Book
When Sparks Ignite : The Film

The Path of Ascension

The Path of Ascension

In this delightful podcast, I am chatting to the intuitive channel, healer and amazingly tuned-in soul who goes by the name of Suzanne Ross.

Topics we chat about:
  • How there are no job titles quite yet for what Suzanne does
  • The transition from the corporate world
  • The magic of Sedona and Mount Shasta
  • Walk in’s and merging of consciousness
  • The dark night of the soul
  • The Great Reset and bifurcation
  • The Urantia Book
  • Earth as a decimal planet
  • Taking the 10 ascension steps
  • What being ascended means in ‘real life’
  • Creating vortices on Earth
  • The twelve aspects and archetypes
  • The Awakening of the Self
  • Shifting into a new way of being and doing

Links from the podcast:

The Path of Ascension

by Töm Evans with Suzanne Ross