Branching Out
This moonth was one of those times when the changes were rung in. The catalysts were an actual holiday, a revelation and bad back that led to a gift from on high and stroke of good fortune.
A death in the family also got thrown into the mix. It was both expected and welcome, so a release and relief all round.
These types of events though do make you stop, evaluate and come up with a new way of doing things.
The Holiday : Soul Notes
While I was away, I stopped creating for a while and read another writer’s work. Specifically a book of short stories called Exalation by Ted Chiang. This video explains what resulted :
The Revelation
Also while on holiday, I wrote some more materials for the Path to Overstanding. A huge revelation and realisation came my way about how our self-aware and unconscious minds interact with the superconsciousness. As I mention in the Path to Overstanding, when the Tarot evolves, we evolve. The process of creation is like picking yourself up by your own bootstraps.
The revelation is part of next moonth’s materials and is exclusive to subscribers … as some steps are required before and after you take the ramifications of this revelation on board.
The Back
So my bad back came on quickly on a day we were clearing father-in-law’s room. He had passed away after being trapped in a stroke-ridden body for nearly four years. With lockdown, he felt doubly trapped in a care home where we couldn’t visit him or, due to profound deafness, even talk to him.
So RIP John Joseph Leon Howson, hairdresser to the stars :: 28/02/1930 to 13/05/2022.
The back was like someone whacked a cricket bat across your lower back. I am having treatment and working through it. Perhaps John’s passing was a sign to slow down and stop now after providing care for 12 years and more.
Before he passed, we were already planning to be away in the motorhome for most of June. We had decided on France so we could get back quickly if needed. So I was already working on strategies whereby I could create solely from my iPad, while on the road.
So a USB-C mic was purchased so I can record my meditations while I am away. My best find though was an ambient music generator called Wotja which means I can ‘compose’ complex, layered soundscapes while away.
Being slight confined with the bad back means both tools have come into play already. There’s a short example below of what I’ve been creating …