Some people appear to be born lucky. They land on their feet with effortless grace and ease. Life seems easy for them … Lucky B***ers!!
For others, life is a slog; nothing seems to go right; the cards seem stacked against them.
So what’s the secret to living a charmed existence? How can you stack the odds in your favour?
The answer lies in the elements of this week’s Super Zone, the Lucky Zone.
How to use this Superzone
Step 1 – Click the image below to get a high resolution version.
Step 2 – Either Print the larger image from your browser or Right Click and Save Link/Target as.. to download it and then print it from any graphics programme on your computer.
Step 3 – Put the image on a wall where you will see it each day.
Step 4 – For 30 seconds each day, stare at the centre of the Super Zone and defocus your eyes. You may find all or part of the image jumps out at you into 3D.
Step 5 – Watch and notice your fortunes change, just like magic. Let me know by way of Comments below what unfolds.
Step 6 – If you want the magic to work faster and want to understand how and why it works, get a copy of The Zone.
Step 7 – To make it work even faster still, share this blog with at least five other people you know who could do with some good fortune in their lives.
Zones of Luck
The Happy Zone – it’s important to be happy for the people who have already learned the secret already. In this Super Zone, there is no place for jealousy, avarice or arrogance. When you learn the secret, you must be happy to to freely share it with others.
The Kindness Zone – initial entry into the Kindness Zone involves cutting yourself some slack. So give yourself a break and why not treat yourself? Next it’s important to do at least one unrequited random act of kindness a day, no matter how small. Don’t go mad and do it so nobody notices a change in you and without seeking immediate thanks or payback.
The Time Zone – this is key. All events are subject to larger forces. Some are driven by the clockwork of the cosmos. Others are playing out karmically across are woven inside the intertwined timelines of actors in your play. Take time out each day to reflect, either in meditation or a jolly good walk. Notice times of the day, ‘moonth’ and year when things flow better for you. Engage at these times and rest at others.
The Learning Zone – journeying through each Zone is nothing more or less than a learning. When we learn something new, one thing is certain and that’s there is still more to learn. Take up a class to learn a new skill and you will be amazed what serendipity arrives at your door as a result of doing something new.
The Chillout Zone – being lucky is not hard work. Rather, it’s the reverse. When we live in luck and with luck, we allow it to arrive as opposed to conjuring it into existence. Meditation is the key here and the wisdom and insight that arrives as a result through the real organs of perception.
The Magic Zone – magic is making a comeback into the world. This type of magic isn’t trickery or slight of hand or mind. It is the kind of magic that at first is not understood but later is integrated with our science. Like all magic, it is only magic unless you know how the trick is done. We do not will this magic into the world, it is conferred on us and comes through us.
P.S. one last thing : when luck and serendipity visit your door, remember to say “Thank You” – so thanks in advance for giving this a go and sharing it with your friends and family.
Get your copy of The Zone in print or for ereaders today and get a voucher to get free access to the Getting in the Zone ecourse on Udemy (worth $99)
Get your copy of The Zone here …
Related Links
Introduction to Super Zones
Constructing a Super Zone
Mega Danger Zones
Neutralising Danger Zones