Fifteen books later, the book I started first has finally been written – and narrated.
It’s now off for typesetting as this blog gets published. The day after the book is done and it’s now kind of out of my hands, it’s almost like missing an old friend and there is a strange sense of loss.
I have been researching genres though and am delighted to zero in on Metaphysical and Visionary Fiction, where you find books like The Alchemist and Five People You Meet in Heaven.
Rather than my usual rush into a new project rapidly, I am treating myself to a breather. New plans kick off on the 1st November when we may be in, or out, of the EU – or more likely, one foot in and one foot out – which mirrors where I am with the book which is written but not published.
On which note, we’ve decided to go for a publication date of 10th Jan 2020, which is the first Full Moon – the timing of which appears often in the book.

Lessons Learned
- The process cannot be rushed (even for a time bender)
- The book is much richer in its third draft with intertwining plot lines
- Audiobook production is the best proofreading process
- The timing is impeccable with more and more ways to promote a book these days
- Pre-marketing on the book’s progress and a pre-order date are key to warming up readers (and listeners)
What’s Next?
- Being Soulful – a series of meditations to accompany the book
- Getting beta readers and listeners
- Long overdue rationalisation & streamlining of my old online courses
- Creation and re-creation of said courses (and new ones) for online apps and a new and wider audience
- Restarting The Zone Show podcast
Other News …
- Being 999 – a meditation I recorded ages ago now up on Insight Timer & making waves
- An Extended Akashic Journey – elongation of an old favourite also up on the app
- More short stories from The Germinatrix also up on the app and pending release …
- … the audiobook version of that book happening by stealth
- Honoured to lead an 80 minute live guided meditation and awakening in Bristol this month