Have you noticed a change in the world in the last month at the macro-level? Well it has rippled down to me on a micro-level.

and see the end of my last blog on how I was open to be shown a way that I hadn’t imagined

Tom Evans on SoundwiseFor some time now, I’ve been a little frustrated at managing all my content, especially the audio content.

Much of it goes out via the wonderful Insight Timer app, some ends up being available from Audible, and the likes, and some of it comes out on my podcast.

Then, just last week, a blessing came my way by way of an app called Soundwise. This is especially as I am just about to launch my next book Soulwaves : Insertions.

Through Soundwise, I can aggregate my content into one place where its much more easily findable. I love too that there’s a desktop version available as well as apps for iOS and Android.

So the plan going forward is to use the existing channels for the free stuff but to put the new, premium content into Soundwise. What’s more there will be two ways to access it – Pay-per-item or Subscribe !

p.s. there’s also some freebies so you can dip your toe in the water …

Subscribers not only get access to the current portfolio but, over 2021 will get access to the following too, just as they are created:

  • The Soulwaves Insertions : Ambient album
  • The Soulwaves Insertions : Numerlogical Meditations
  • A new Soulwaves-dedicated podcast, with some amazing soul-full guests
  • Audiobook versions of my archive of non-fiction books
  • And, later in the year, the serialisation of the third book in the Soulwaves Anthology : The Duadex

The feature I love the most is the granularity of how listeners can give feedback and ask questions on each chapter, meditation or track.

Tom Evans Soundwise Bundle

Last Moonth’s Output

There was not much external output this moonth as I have been occupied narrating Soulwaves : Insertions … here’s a little something to both relax and expand into though.

A Calling

by Töm Evans | Soulwaves Ambient


by Töm Evans | Soulwaves Ambient

What’s Happening Next Moonth?

So next moonth, the ebook and print versions of Soulwaves : Insertions will hopefully be ready for pre-order.

And I’ve re-engaged with Piers Ward, my very talented guitar and musical composition teacher, and I hope the first track of the new Insertions Ambient album will be released.

… as mentioned above, it will be made available first exclusively to my new Soundwise subscribers – have a listen below for a sneak preview of the ambient layer of the first track (with a couple of poems from the book).

Alpha and Omega

by Töm Evans | Soulwaves Insertions