Igniting the Spark

Igniting the Spark

My guest on this podcast is Stephanie James – a psychotherapist, transformational life coach, presenter, radio show and podcast host, author and film maker, so somewhat of a polymath.

In this podcast, we chat about the nature, source and infectiousness (in a nice way) of a spark.

We start from where the word ‘spark’ came from in the first place and then find out what first ‘sparked’ Stephanie off.

Etymology of Spark

Igniting the Spark

by Töm Evans with Stephanie James

Topics covered :

  • The spark within us
  • How sparks cascade
  • The source of sparks
  • How to rekindle a dampened spark
  • The importance of grounding
  • Book-ending your day
  • Marinating a spark – in dream time
  • Are sparks internal or external – or both?
  • Using the breath to really ignite the spark
  • The different forms that sparks appear in
  • Embracing all forms of emotions – that then spark things off
  • The 12 Lights of the Round Table
  • The other side of the Surrender Point
  • Awakening to a new way of being & the gift of another day
  • When Sparks Ignite : the movie : watch the trailer below

Links from the Podcast

Stephanie’s web site
The Spark Book
When Sparks Ignite : The Film

The Moon Wave

The Moon Wave

Moon PhasesRiding a Moon Wave

While I have operated with the Moon phase in mind for many years, this year I am using it as the clock to which I time the creation and release of my new output.

[ image by the amazing Georgia Hofer ]

Apart from giving me a target to stick too, it seems to have brought a new level of creativity along with it. So by the day that this blogcast goes live, I will have completed three new ambient tracks and two guided meditations and delivered two lectures – all inspired by the book Soulwaves : Insertions and the numbers 1 to 12.

In the background, I am guided by moonthly readings from the intuitive business astrologer, Louisa Tanner Munson. Along with it all, and with the constant help of the Council of the Light, the most amazing serendipities are flowing my way too.

Like all ‘waves, this serendipity is bringing others along for the ride too … thanks for all those surfing with me.

Creation of Ambience

While all this creation to the Moon Phase is going on, I have found a new way to relax – and that’s to create audio mashups of ambience. Some are entirely new and some permutations of existing tracks. Apart from anything, I find them great to listen to while I am writing – as I am doing now. It’s a great way to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Listen to my latest two tracks below …

The Wave Rider

by Töm Evans | Soulwaves


by Töm Evans | Soulwaves

SeasonsSpringing Forward

While creating in tune with the Moon has its benefits, so does syncing yourself to the seasons. So on the Spring Equinox, the opening chapters of my next book, The Duadex, will be released in audio exclusively to my Soundwise subscribers.

It’s the in third book in the Soulwaves Anthology and will bring together many of the threads set up in the first two books. Indeed, it starts where the end of Insertions leaves off when sentiences in each galaxy receive their Duadexes. What follows is the Universal Unification – with a few lessons learned along the way of course. While it is complete fiction, you can also take it as being true.

What’s different about this book to all my others is that subscribers can have a hand in its direction and evolution. You can subscribe to the Duadex and my other moonthly creations here for much less than the price of a takeaway pizza a month. Your subscriptions will be gratefully received and all help to help me create more and more …

Beams of Peace

Beams of Peace

Jane MurrayIn this delightful podcast, I am chatting to fellow Insight Timer meditation teacher and the progenitor of Peacebeams, Jane Murray.

Note that this podcast contains a meditation at the end, so pull over if you are driving.

Topics we chat about:
  • The notion of a Peacebeam
  • Combining kindfulness with mindfulness
The new currency of KinderPay
  • Putting planetary resources on the balance sheet

  • KinderPay working alongside traditional currencies

  • The importance of forgiveness

  • Leaving the legacy of a kinder world

  • The interaction between love and gravity

Links from the podcast:

Beams of Peace

by Töm Evans with Jane Murray