My Biz My Way Part 2

My Biz My Way Part 2

Judith Morgan, Your Biz Your WayThis time last year I was invited by Judith Morgan to reflect on how I did my business my way.

A year on, or another Sun orbit, I thought it worthwhile to reflect on how it all went.

You can read the first blog here …

Soulwave Update

A stroke for my father in law, the death of my mother in law and a hip replacement for my wife all conspired to delay the publication until my 62nd orbit. No more books are getting in the way. It will be out before I am 62!

See The Slowest Book I’ve Written for more and publication timings …

The Big Ü

The book came out as planned on the 8th August 2018 – a significant date for my wonderful co-author, Laurence Udell. It’s the first book I have published simultaneously in hardback, paperback, ebook and audiobook formats – with four brand new meditations from yours truly. It is already opening hearts and minds and will be spawning two other programmes – the Bigger Ü and the Biggest Ü. It has also lead to high-end mentoring as well as talks, keynotes and workshops in the corporate sector. It’s turned out to be not only a mind-opener but door opener too.

Is it a book, an audiobook or a movement?

Insight Timer

Around May 2018, I reached over 1 million meditations on the app … it’s currently at 1.6m and climbing. While still free, a significant event happened and my first 10 day course went live – The Art of Timefulness.

It’s just about to be joined by a second 30 day course – Mindfulness for Busy People. The result is that a steady income is now flowing which takes the pressure of having to take on billing work.

Getting the whole world meditating …

Projects X, Y & Z

You might thing that this lot is enough for most people but three other projects are coming along already. I can’t say too much about them but can just share that the next orbit of the Sun is already looking bright.

Project X – there is a new initiative bubbling on Insight Timer to make things grow still further.

Project Y – The Zone Show podcast has been dormant while I finish off the novel. Listen out for two new episodes this month as it’s just about to take off again, in a bigger and brighter way.

Project Z – just imagine that everything you had been working for was meant to be. Things are coming together in to a new phase.

The Turning Point

The Turning Point

This January, I did something that I had not done for a number of years. I started out by taking my foot off the gas. Partly ticking off something from the bucket list and partly winding up my 60th year with some fellow sexagenarian friends, I went to Northern Finland, saw the Northern Lights (on two evenings), went snowmobiling, husky sledding and Nordic walking (or is that Finnish walking?).

Anyhoo, the break combined nicely with completely forgetting about anything to do with what you might call “work”. Lo and behold, on return 2019 seems to be falling into some sort of shape – but importantly without any tight grip on the reins.

Key 7 of the Tarot, The Chariot is a good example of how this all works. The Charioteer (the self-aware mind), thinks he is driving the bus. The two beasts at the front (the unconscious mind) think they are pulling the whole show in the right direction. All the time of course, the road itself (the higher self) is what is dictating the path we follow. Therein lies the lesson. Let go of the reins and find out where you are really heading.

Sometimes this involves encountering a turning point or three – here’s what came to meet me on my return to marginally warmer climes.

Comet NeshSoulwave

I now have a much more relaxed, sensible and do-able publication plan for novel, which formed towards then end of last year. It’s now being actioned and is producing tangible results … and deeper more cohesive storyline.

This month I am spending one day each week going over what I’ve written and one day working on one of the remaining chapters.

The new plan on track as follows :

– to have the first draft written by March 21st
– to then record the audiobook version (best proof read ever)
– to publish the Kindle and audiobook versions by the 21st June
– to publish the print version by 21st September
– to use the 21st December as a tentative back stop should things go awry

A Nugget of MindfulnessJust for Today Nuggets of Mindfulness

Back in July 2018, we moved Just for Today messages from a freemium to contribution currency model. After a promising start, we flat-lined and didn’t quite hit our first target. This year the model will flip back.

So, in March we are having a month off to reflect and regroup. The plan is that, from April, the daily nuggets of mindfulness will revert back to being free and two new exciting and affordable tiers will be created.

A new seed project will also start germinating too!

Insight Timer

The wonderful people behind the app have changed their model for the better and opened even more doors for me to migrate my archive. I already have one 30 day course going live soon and a second will appear before the year is out. This latter course will share what I haven’t ever shared yet about the nature of thought.

See Insight Premium for more details

I hosted the Daily Insight on the 19th January, which was alot of fun and will be doing the next on the 8th March – and after that, one every two months.

I also took my meditations in a new direction this month. This We Know is the first of a series of philosophical meanderings in a guided visualisation. And here’s Siri creating the artwork live, while listening to the meditation.

To cap it all, they have just asked me to provide the Daily Insight for Christmas Day this year. Guess what? Its title will be The Turning Point.

p.s. Some amazing Big Ü news popped along too, and is forming nicely with no effort on my part, but that will have to wait for next month’s blog

A Blog Going Back to Basics

A Blog Going Back to Basics

© gabrielle cole

When blogs first came about, they were mainly designed to act as a chronological journal. Some still are but many, including this one, are repositories of articles, often categorised to make blogs easier to find.

Latterly whole web sites, again, including this one and all my other sites, are built on blog technology.

Right now, I am in transition, a kind of retirement but only insofar as I am ‘retiring’ from the old way I used to operate and transitioning into a new modus operandi. You could see this also as a transformation from chrysalis to butterfly.

The overarching philosophy I am adopting going forward is ‘an attitude of gratitude’. I am so grateful for all the blessings bestowed on me in life – amazing life partner, not one but two beautiful homes (one going or transitioning), an unexpected career trajectory from BBC TV engineer to author and meditation guide and also gratitude for good health, a sprinkling of wisdom and the ability to explain and share the unexplainable and what is then mostly unshared.

These are the new seeds. This blog will now become a monthly journal of what happens next.

The Trigger

In August, Louise had a new hip and two days before her op, her father had a major stroke. Looking after both, and caring for mum-in-law and Lou’s sister with learning difficulties has consumed the last few months and will occupy the foreseeable future.

So Lou’s decided it’s time to scale down her business and I’ve decided to alter the course of mine. The latter has been helped by three events this year:

1. Insight Timer creating a revenue source for teachers and guides whilst still being mostly free
2. A new found speaking career
3. A collaboration with Laurence Udell and the co-creation of the Big Ü

So as a result of all this, we are selling (or renting out) our Surrey house, moving into our new eco-lodge in Wiltshire and the in laws have already moved from the most ludicrously expensive care home in West London to one 5 minutes away from our Wiltshire pad.

The Cunning Plan

So this is what the trigger has triggered …

  • The workflow for Just for Today’s on Patreon will simplify so it takes 25% of the time currently
  • In Q1 2019, a new 30 day Insight Timer course will replace many of the standalone sets of meditations on my site
  • Also, during the 1st half of 2019, all my current online courses will migrate to a new programme on the Big Ü portal
  • In time, this will all form the building blocks to a philanthropic foundation
  • And most importantly, I will start writing and creating a new opus.
  • That is after my 17th book, Soulwave, the one that has taken the longest to write, is published in 2019

Related Links

Soulwave : The Slowest Book I’ve Written
The Big Ü
Insight Timer freebies
The Art of Timefulness on Insight Timer

A Podcast Pot Pourri

A Podcast Pot Pourri


After somewhat of a hiatus, due to not one but two books being written, I’ve started podcasting again, as both interviewee and interviewer. Like buses you’ve been standing around waiting for, they seem to all come at once. So I thought it was a good idea to assemble them all into one place to save a bit of searching.

Podcast #1 : Kerri Hummingbird : The Soul Nectar Show

Kerri and I talk about the phases of our lives using the metaphor of caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly – a magical conversation in many ways.

For the full interview, go to The Soul Nectar Show

Podcast #2 : Paul Averill : The Man Bits Podcast

In this podcast, Paul and I talk about doing what you love and how daily meditation is the key to opening a door into a new world.
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”The Man Bits Podcast” artist=”Paul Averill” background=”default” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]
For more enlightening interviews, go to The Man Bits Podcast

Podcast #3 : Judith Morgan : The Own It Podcast

Judith extracts from me some of the weirder aspects of temporal alchemy that I have experienced. It’s all about owning your time rather than time owning you.
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”The Own It Podcast” artist=”Judith Morgan” background=”default” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]
For more intriguing conversarions, go to The Own It Podcast

Podcast #4 : Renée Hassledine : Share Your Passion

And last but not least (for April at least), in conversation Renée Hassledine on how to get more done in less time and how to make more of your day on the Share Your Passion podcast

… and the Zone Show is back

Well it’s back not quite at the frenetic rate of one podcast a week that I used to do. I am now only interviewing people who I am co-creating with or people who have had me on their show. So Paul, Judith and Renée, you are on my list for when my head finally comes up and the two books are out there.

Podcast #1 : Hugh Byrne

Two Insight Timer meditation guides meet on a park bench in Bushy Park, London and talk about mindfulness and meditation.
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Two Insight Timer Guides Meet” artist=”Hugh Byrne” image=”×300.jpg” background=”default” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Podcast #2 : Kerri Hummingbird

The reciprocal interview from the one above which was recorded a week before.
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”From Caterpillar to Butterfly” artist=”Kerri Hummingbird” image=”” background=”default” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Podcast #3 : Alison Jones

How writing a book will give you the best business card you will ever have.
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”This Book Means Business” artist=”Alison Jones” image=”×300.png” background=”default” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Three Wise Men [2016]

Three Wise Men [2016]

three wise menIt’s traditional around this time of year for Three Wise Men to come from the East bearing gifts.

This year on the Zone Show podcast is no different, apart from two of them hailing from the West, namely Mitch Horowitz and Master Charles Cannon, with only Christopher Plowman coming from the East, specifically Bali in this case.

Thanks you gentlemen for sharing your wisdom and bringing such riches along.

A Time of Insight : show notes and useful links
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”A Time of Insight” artist=”Christopher Plowman” social=”true” image=”×300.jpg” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]

Living an Awakened Life : show notes and useful links
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Living an Awakened Life” artist=”Master Charles Cannon” social=”true” image=”” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]

A Cosmic Philosopher : show notes and useful links
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”A Cosmic Philosopher” artist=”Mitch Horowitz” social=”true” image=”×300.jpg” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]

Related Podcasts

Three Wise Men from 2015

May on the Zone Show

May on the Zone Show

The Zone 3DThis month on the podcast has been amazing with another eclectic set of guests, now taking the show to 120,000 listeners.

If you’ve been a guest or listener, I would be ever so grateful for your help. You can listen to the show in many locations. If you listen on the Zone Show site or Audioboom, please share posts you like with your network and you can interact directly with me and the guest by way of comment.

You can also subscribe to the show in a number of places like iTunes, Mixcloud, Stitcher and Tunein. This way you get automatically notified of when each new podcast is available. To help the show get noticed by more people, a review would make my day.

Where to listen to, subscribe, comment and review the Zone Show

The Zone Show main site
The Zone Show hosted on Audioboom
The Zone Show on iTunes
The Zone Show on Mixcloud
The Zone Show on TuneIn
The Zone Show on Stitcher

This Month’s Podcasts

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”The Voice of the Sacred Feminine” artist=”Doctor Karen Tate” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true” image=”×300.jpg”]

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Remember Who You Truly Are” artist=”Sally Francis” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true” image=”×300.jpg”]

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Children of the Fifth World” artist=”PMH Atwater” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true” image=”×300.jpg”]

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Love Never Dies” artist=”Dr Jamie Turndorf” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true” image=””]

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Heart-full Living” artist=”Tom Evans & Jackie Walker” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true” image=””]

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”The Inefficiency Assassin” artist=”Dr Lisa Kardos” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true” image=”×300.jpg”]

STOP PRESS !!! Next month I have the first male guests of the year lined up. Thanks to all you wise women, it’s high time some wise men shared their wisdom.