Out of Sorts

Out of Sorts

I have been blessed, on the whole, with good health for most of my life. Last week though, I was somewhat dealt a curved ball that really upset my apple cart when I came down with a sore throat.

It was so bad that it was painful to swallow anything so my liquid and food consumption went down to virtually nothing. What it also made me review was my ability to function with my life’s mission without a voice that could record audio.

Now I am sure there are many with much more severe afflictions of the throat, and other areas, that send their lives into a tailspin. I seem to be on the mend now and can catch up with my monthly commitments.

It did lead me to look at other options. I have already been playing with a kind of, but not quite, AI-based ambient music generator called Wotja. You can listen to something that it generated with minimal input from me here.

And here’s the dramatic effect the track that I named ‘Dreaming in Indigo’ had on one listener on Insight Timer :

“I have been meditating with you for a few years now and it’s been amazing to see how you have transformed your meditation practice. This was such a beautiful experience and a magnificent piece of work! So much detail, vibrations, movement, even color to this piece. I could feel movement and flight and peace, and relaxation. I think this is your best ever! Thank you for your creativity and for sharing. 🙏🏻💕”

Play.htThe lack of a voice though lead me to investigate British AI text to voice engines. I found an intriguing one called Play.ht that even had a voice with the name of Thomas.

Then I dug a little deeper and discovered they can even clone your own voice from a 30 second sample. Here’s the 30 second sample I used to seed the engine.

[Note that this is a sample from my latest meditation on Insight Timer recorded while I had my voice intact]

What’s more, I then found it had a plugin for WordPress that allowed you to convert a blog post from text to audio. One of the benefits of this, of course, is to help create an alternate way for visitors to a web site to absorb content.

The two technologies together could of course be used for nefarious purposes to create deep fakes and even breach copyright. I have been a little sceptical about AI but I realised that they could be used to give a content creator a kind of immortality.

The lesson, of course, is a simple one. In all adversity lies opportunity. My condition is the inability to speak which I hope is temporary. What if more severe conditions visited a content creator’s door such as stroke, dementia or ultimately shedding this mortal coil?

In the meantime, let me share with you a synthetic audio version of this mindfully short moonthly blog.

P.s. and here’s the cloned audio version of this blog. I am very impressed it pronounce the non-English product name Wotja correctly though and, if you listen closely, you can hear the odd retention of breath in between sentences.



A New Perspective

A New Perspective

So our three month temporary rental has come to an end and we are now in the moho for the rest of Spring, all of Summer and we hope just the start of Autumn. The photo above is going to be our main location – one, cos of the view and two, as it is 3 mins drive to our house.

In other news, my audio studio has been reinstated which means that, at weekends I can record stuff (as no building work) and in the week write new stuff and edit old stuff. This is just perfect as I can keep the Overstanding project plate spinning. Also, Insight Timer are just on the cusp of launching ad hoc Premium content. You have to search for it at the mo but our profiles will be updated over June so it’s findable. I am in the beta release so have 8 tracks uploaded already see below.

It’s also inspired me to start a project I have had in mind for many years. One of my inspirations for my novel Soulwaves was Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. While not as funny as ‘The Guide’, the observant amongst you will spot the references, like Deep Thought and the teleporting dolphins.

To this day, the original radio show is by far the best version – better than the book, TV show or film.

In lockdown, inspired by the novel Soulwaves, I composed an album of ambient music to augment the book. Now is the time to merge the audiobook and album into a mullti-part ‘meditale’ … streaming soon exclusively via Insight Timer Premium. Watch and listen to this ‘space-time’.

Tom Evans Insight Timer Premium

Steeling Yourself

Steeling Yourself

When it comes time for extending yourself massively, you really need a strong support behind and underneath you.

Again, life is mirroring my art. In my metaphysical serialisation, the Path to Overstanding, the flavour of thought of extension features highly, as those walking the path with me expand their awareness and consciousness.

By way of physical contrast, piles have been sunk down by six metres and a massive steel frame is now sitting on top of them, poised to support our new ‘living space’.

In the front garden, a large hole has been dug to accommodate a 5000 litre rainwater harvesting tank. It is insurance against a warming planet to ensure we can water the garden and flush toilets.

Adding to all of this, at the end of the month of May, I am steeling myself to living in the motorhome for four to five months. To make this more palatable, we’ve acquired an air awning to give us extra space to hang out.

For most of this period, we will be close to our house so we can monitor progress. Most importantly, I’ll have my audio studio back in action so I can continue content creation. I am also hoping to get some reading and writing done. New locations often inspire new directions and openings.

On this front much is happening each month (and moonth) :

  • I write a daily Just for Today, inspired by the amazing artwork of Siri Opli
  • this gives me the script for the following month’s meditation which I upload for free on Insight Timer
  • where, shortly a huge archive of my back catalogue will be published under the new Insight Premium offering
  • I also try and upload a new ambient track each month but have held back on any Live events until the Autumn
  • in parallel with all of this, and sync’ed to the Moon Phases, I create four new assets for the Path to Overstanding – namely serialisation of the book, a meditation on a key, music inspired by the keys and an uberstanding conversation

All in all, a busy year and one that I am steeled for …

The Point of No Return

The Point of No Return

We are well into the house refurbishment now. Walls are demolished, floor ripped up, 200 tonnes of soil removed for new parking area and piles driven 6 metres into the ground to support the new 1st floor extension where it meets the garden.

So, we cannot go back. We are temporarily in rented accommodation until the end of Spring and will then spend Summer in our motorhome. We are well passed the point of no return and have no option but complete the build.

For some this would be a scary place to be. Apart from anything, there’s a considerable amount of investment required and the classic wanting to be back in before the winter sets in.

Lady Luck however seems to be on our side. The short term rental property was an amazing stroke of luck. There are not many places available that are happy to have two dogs and where you can park a motorhome and two cars.

Our builders seem to know what they are doing and are hitting all the deadlines. Problems like getting steels past high voltage overhead electricity lines are being dealt with.

Going passed the point of no return needs more than having deep enough pockets and a large amount of patience. It requires that we trust. This is not trust in a our main contractor or the plumber. It is about trusting the Universe that all of this is part of a bigger plan. This is the karmic plan we signed up for before incarnating. Demolishing and rebuilding a house that is more energy efficient is only of any worth if living in such a place means even more of the karmic plan can be fulfilled.

Part of this is the wisdom and higher perspective that is gained by upsetting the apple cart, living in a new place and meeting new people. Having temporarily decimated a home, it means our place of bliss has been removed. When we eventually get back in, we will appreciate it even more.

In the meantime, in the limbo place from which we cannot go backwards, much adventure can be had. We have a moho and plan to use it. For example, we are a stone’s throw from Stonehenge and have discovered we can park there for free overnight and see the sun rise over the stones.

So what is the real point of ‘the point of no return’?

It is when the realisation dawns that going back and regressing to old ways and patterns serves no purpose. The learnings are not forgotten but embraced, appreciated and integrated. This opens the door to new potentialities and possibilities.

When a new sun comes up, a new day begins, the past becomes a thing of the past and we rise to a bright new future … to help with the ‘returning’ process, treat yourself to an hour of reflection listening to my longest guided meditation, The Paths of Return.

And you can find the script of this guidance in this blog …


A Time for Refurbishment

A Time for Refurbishment

The Cube of OverstandingIt always amuses me how life emulates art, and vice versa.

Artistically right now, I am taking an old structure and giving it a makeover. Well over 12 years ago, I created the Cube of Karma, inspired by the ancient glyph of the Cube of Space. Since January this year, I have dusted it off and it’s being given a new lease of life – with new features and a new outlook. I am realising that I have only just touched on its potential as a tool for human enlightenment and spiritual evolution.

At the same time, I have ditched the old subscription model, simplified my e-commerce and CRM systems and it is now available for a one-off investment. 

Find out more details on my home page …

I’ve done the same with all my Soulwaves materials – a project I will revisit and augment in 2024.

Here’s where to get the Soulwaves package …

Life-wise, our tired 1960s bungalow has now been stripped back to a shell.

This is a precursor to completely sealing it as an airtight box so it can become a low-energy eco-home. Bizarrely, or not, it looks like our 1st eco-home is being sold too which very conveniently funds the ‘eco-isation’ of the current house – a kind of ‘house karma’.

Externally to this art-life duality, Insight Timer are expanding the scope of their premium offering which means I can at last upload loads of long-format material. I have been asking them to do since I became a guide on the app back in 2016. This allows me to downsize on my own off-app hosting of materials. In turn, this means I can narrow my focus and produce more with less time and at reduced expenditure.

Here’s just a sample from my archive which awaiting publication once the feature is released – which is imminent.

Insight Timer Premium


Insight Timer Premium

Moving Times

Moving Times

The AdytumThis New Moon augurs in several new moves.

The most impactful on the surface is moving out of our new home into rental so that it can be made into an energy efficient eco-home. So this week is packing and transition.

We are lucky, or have made our luck, that the builder who walked into our world has a property only 30 minutes drive away that we can rent short term. It’s got a nicely fenced off garden for the dogs and parking for our moho at the front of the house.

We’ve got at least three months guaranteed on the rental, potentially then some moho adventures but then the option of living back on site in the moho for 1st and 2nd fix.

Now this might sound like enough to be getting on with this year but it’s really a background project while the ‘real work’ is going on.

The Cube of Overstanding

This New Moon sees the delivery of the second module in a 12 moonth series of awakenings based around the Cube of Space. It’s been something I have sat on for over a decade, if not several life times. Needless to say, I am both excited and in a little trepidation about what will unfold. 

This is the real work in hand and in progress!

It offers the most amazing ability to help people evolve to a new level of consciousness which augurs in a new way of being for individuals and humanity as a whole. Bearing in mind too that this triggers and upgrade to the whole biosphere and even the consciousness of Mother Earth.

Is this too fanciful a postulation? Is is the ramblings of someone who has lost their marbles? Or are you intrigued enough to dive in?

Join Me Live

On the last Friday of each month, I am hosting a free meditalk on Insight Timer Live. The next one is all about the Twelve Councillors of the Light and is on Friday 24th Feb at 2pm UK Time.

On and around the 3rd Moon Quarter of each moonth, I am also hosting a live coaching and mentoring session for those walking, or thinking of walking, the Path to Overstanding with me – register here