A Quarter Billion Miles
The Earth travels over a half billion miles each year as it orbits around the Sun.
So today, on the Summer Solstice, we’re 1/4 of a billion miles into that journey. It’s a good time to reflect on the journey so far and make some plans for the remainder of this year’s orbit.
Here’s mine … do feel free to share yours by way of comment below :
The journey so far
- Created a series of meditations to help with weight management
- Written 140 days worth of Just for Today nuggets of mindfulness – now all illustrated
- Created a 8 week mindfulness-based time management self-study course, along with new membership site
- Created a 21 Day Meditation Re-treat
- Recorded over 30 podcasts
- Got my meditations syndicated globally via iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music and others
- Helped three clients write and publish their books
- … as well as finishing off building a passive, eco-house!
The next 1/4 billion miles
- Write another 140 Just for Today’s
- Publish the first in a series of illustrated Just for Today books, with Siri Sticklestad
- Make Just for Today merchandise available
- Get out a bit more as a speaker on mindfulness and timefulness
- Finish writing my novel to be published on my 60th birthday next year
p.s. If you want to know how to produce this volume of creative output, take the Mindfulness-based Time Management self-study course