A Spring in My Step

A Spring in My Step

Soulwaves PlaylistThis moonth, the plan that emerged at the start of the year – after the much needed stock-taking hiatus – is starting to unfold.

The serialisation of Soulwaves is nearing the half way point and it’s a real pleasure for me to listen to something I wrote nearly five years ago. It’s a double pleasure to merge the audiobook with the albums of ambient music that it inspired. The few that listen to it seem to like it and I have now created a playlist to make all the parts easier to find. All in all, it’s one component of my creation of legacy of content in one place.

Listen to the serialisation here …

While the Soulwaves project is massive in scope – especially if it turns out to be prophetically even part-true, the Big Project though is the creation of my Magnum Opus – listen to the background to it here …

Flavours of ThoughtThe first part is already available as a course on Insight Timer and I plan to publish a course a month, probably up to the end of 2025.

Check out Flavours of Thought Part #1 : Ethereal Whispers

Our home has really come together – just waiting for the temperature to rise so the rendering can be applied and for our solar installer to add the panels to get our energy usage to net zero. We are close too to having our rainwater harvesting system working which will probably augur months with no rain.

We’ve been busy too in the DIY department and have created a larder which we are quite proud of – in the same style as the walk-in wardrobe I build a couple of months back. The acoustic panels are not only stylish but also wonderfully deaden the room spaces.

All in all, it feels great to be Springing Forwards

Tatton Larder After

Moving Times

Moving Times

The AdytumThis New Moon augurs in several new moves.

The most impactful on the surface is moving out of our new home into rental so that it can be made into an energy efficient eco-home. So this week is packing and transition.

We are lucky, or have made our luck, that the builder who walked into our world has a property only 30 minutes drive away that we can rent short term. It’s got a nicely fenced off garden for the dogs and parking for our moho at the front of the house.

We’ve got at least three months guaranteed on the rental, potentially then some moho adventures but then the option of living back on site in the moho for 1st and 2nd fix.

Now this might sound like enough to be getting on with this year but it’s really a background project while the ‘real work’ is going on.

The Cube of Overstanding

This New Moon sees the delivery of the second module in a 12 moonth series of awakenings based around the Cube of Space. It’s been something I have sat on for over a decade, if not several life times. Needless to say, I am both excited and in a little trepidation about what will unfold. 

This is the real work in hand and in progress!

It offers the most amazing ability to help people evolve to a new level of consciousness which augurs in a new way of being for individuals and humanity as a whole. Bearing in mind too that this triggers and upgrade to the whole biosphere and even the consciousness of Mother Earth.

Is this too fanciful a postulation? Is is the ramblings of someone who has lost their marbles? Or are you intrigued enough to dive in?

Join Me Live

On the last Friday of each month, I am hosting a free meditalk on Insight Timer Live. The next one is all about the Twelve Councillors of the Light and is on Friday 24th Feb at 2pm UK Time.

On and around the 3rd Moon Quarter of each moonth, I am also hosting a live coaching and mentoring session for those walking, or thinking of walking, the Path to Overstanding with me – register here


The Scintillating Intelligence

The Scintillating Intelligence

My unfolding of the Path to Overstanding materials has led me to return to my study of the Tree of Life. I always found the language around the Kabbalistic tree quite obfuscating. What’s a Sepiroth after all? Of course, this challenge fits into my mission to make such arcane esoteric language into the exoteric and understood.

Naturally, it I benefit greatly from going over old study notes, spotting things I missed and, more importantly, seeing the wisdom contained in such a glyph in a new and overarching context.

For example, the Sepiroth are better described as being emanations. In addition, they are connected to each other by Intelligences, which also map on to the keys of the Major Arcana. The emanations and intelligence are referred to as Paths of Wisdom with which I am not totally comfortable. To me, they only become Paths when combined together, IMHO.

One aspect of the Tree that I am particularly drawn to is the Scintillating Intelligence, which is The Fool in the Tarot. In isolation, it’s one of my favourite cards ranking along with The Hermit and The Hanged Man in the archetype of my world. When I first read about The Fool, I discovered it is also known as Aleph, The Life Breath. 

Around the same time the Tarot found me, I had just found out about Core Process which is a way of encapsulating your essence in two words, or so. Mine turned out to be Breathing Life – you have to love a coincidence. I cannot help but breathe life into situations I find myself in and into people I meet who could do with a boost. The Life Breath is of course the chi that keeps us alive and powers our creativity. Using it every day helps us to maintain and even enhance our well being.

What I had either buried, or ignored, is that the Scintillating Intelligence connects the emanation of Kether with that of Chokmah. Kether is the Limitless Light and Chokmah, the knowledge of said Limitless Light.

So operating in this space is pretty special and doubly so when you appreciate that emanations are bidirectional portals. So the knowledge of the Limitless Light trickles down the Tree until it manifests in our physical body and our world of space and time. What we then do with that wisdom goes back up the other way. The Scintillating Intelligence also informs the Limitless Light of what is possible based on its infinite potential.

In microcosm, this could be an idea or a notion, just like this one. In macrocosm, when we return to Source and depart this mortal coil, it could be the realisation of the impact a soul incarnate can achieve in a physical body. This acts as a seed and template to adopt for souls who are about to incarnate. What goes around, comes around.

Armed with this briefest of scintillations, be that change and let me know by way of comment below how your own scintillations are influencing the world and the planes above.

and to take your first step on the Path to Overstanding, visit my home page

A Magnum Opus

A Magnum Opus

Boring ebookWhen you embark on an unknown path, you can guarantee a few things will occur. Firstly, you might get lost or stuck. Secondly, you might find new places, bump into new people and stumble across new opportunities. Thirdly, you may end up somewhere you never imagined.

I am fortunate and blessed that the second and third of these eventualities has fallen into my lap. To date, I have managed to deliver all the planned materials (and a few surprises to me) for the Path to Overstanding.

I knew that about now, seven moonths along the Path, things were about to open up considerably for me and those wandering along the Path with me. I had no idea however quite how significant the unfolding would be.

I have just started an exposition of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. It is one of the Master Recipes that I planned to share as it contains all 22 of the Flavours of Thought (and some more still). 

The problem I have always had with studying it is how complex it has been made by those holding its keys. Study of Hebrew, Gematria and all sorts of arcane and obfuscating language form a huge barrier and steep learning curve for those who would like to benefit from the secrets held in this magical glyph.

I am fortunate that years of experience with meditation is actually the key to embracing its wisdom. So I am embarking on tuning in directly to the emanations of the Tree itself – there are 10 of them. As I do so, I am writing and recording brand new meditations so others can follow my steps. At the same time, I am aiming to un-obfuscating the language.

All in all, it is turning out to be much more of a magnum opus that I had ever imagined. I have always loved Paul Foster Case’s book, The Key to the Wisdom of Ages. It has been put to me by those Above, that what I am writing is the Keys to The Key to the Wisdom. I like to think of it as the “Keys for Dummies”.

So on this New Moon, the first batch of content is delivered which explores what is referred to as The Master Pattern. It’s only the first unveiling. There is more to come including no less than me revealing The Tree of Overstanding which is like the Tree of Life on steroids. It goes way Above and way down Below to dimensions not usually touched explicitly by the conventional Tree of Life.

Go to my home page for subscription options, or to take the first step for free …

If you want to dip your toes in the water first, there’s a couple of events I should draw your attention to. 

On the 7th Sept, at 2pm UK time, fellow Tarot enthusiast and Insight Time meditation guide, Keziah Gibbons, will be interviewing me about how the Tarot found me.

Register for free here …

On the 21st Sept, again at 2pm UK time, I am running my second workshop on Insight Timer where I reveal what Overstanding the Tarot is all about.

Register for the workshop here …

The Keys to Wisdom

The Keys to Wisdom

Key to the Wisdom of AgesSo I am just embarking on moonth 4 of what I knew would be a 24 moonth project. Today sees the publication of more materials for those walking the Path To Overstanding with me.

The whole project is mind mapped out so I can ‘see’ all the elements of the Path. It does indeed integrate many areas of my knowledge and wisdom. It is however much bigger than that as many of the individual components only get revealed to me on a ‘moonth by moonth’ basis.

To reiterate, and as shown in the diagram above, on each New Moon, I publish a thought piece about the Path along with some Overtasking. Each 1st quarter sees the release of one of 23 meditations on the keys of the Major Arcana, inspired by the augmented keys from the Tarot of Overstanding. On each Full Moon, I release an ambient track similarly inspired from my third album, Arcanum. Then, on the 3rd quarter, I share a conversation with a Like Mind to give us a different perspective and to widen our understanding of the cosmos. These I call Uberstanding.

A daunting project you might think. Well firstly, with the Moon, as my time piece, I have not missed a publication date yet. I also kept this up during 2021 with a similarly structured 13 moonth project, namely Soulwaves : Insertions. Secondly, I have a guide to help me show the way in the Earth Plane and who knows what guidance from the Council of the Light in The Void.

The Key to the Wisdom of Ages, by Paul Foster Case, provides the seed for the materials, meditations and music. I must have read it over 50 times but I am now back to it with fresh eyes. I am careful not just to paraphrase its content but to use it as seeds from which I extrapolate. That is the whole point of overstanding anything after all.

The book is also magical and I am sure new things appear that I have not seen before on each reading. For example, Foster Case mentions the musical key for each of the Arcana. This is information I previously have skimmed but not am now utilising for the creation of the ambient album. Each track starts in the relevant key and ends in the key of the next Arcana. I will only know if this works at the end but it sounds like a reasonable premise.


From tiny points of guidance, a whole meta-structure appears.

As the Tarot evolves, we evolve.

As Above, so Below.


Take the First Step, Flavours of Thought, for free today … 

The Overstanding Soundcasts

Would you like to ‘Try Before You Subscribe’?

I understand that it can be tricky to get your head around what is esoteric – it is unknowable after all.

So, if you’d like to have a sneak peek at the wonders on offer along The Path To Overstanding, you can listen to the first Soundcast, Flavours of Thought, completely for free.

It contains 33 short tracks which will change the way you think about your thoughts, forever!

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The Path is Open

The Path is Open

Sometimes when you start a project, you may harbour some uncertainties. We might think we are fooling ourselves or that we may have taken too much on board.

Setting my stall out to deliver a whole course in esoteric unfoldment over a 24 moonth period, in a time of global uncertainty, falls into that category.

The only thing is that I am entering my fourth moonth of content generation and it’s going swimmingly. The technical platform is good (I did test that for a year). I have a mind map that encapsulates all the content and literally ‘maps out’ The Path To Overstanding. The production of the complementary deck of Tarot Cards is proceeding, at its own pace, in parallel.

What is most encouraging though is that I am always asking for signs by way of confirmation. The biggest sign we get is resistance which tends to block our creative flow. We become a busy fool, getting on with other irrelevances first. This isn’t happening.

The other blockage is that people aren’t buying into the material. This too is not the case as there’s a steady flow of subscribers. As you walk down the path with me, you can ask questions of me on the Soundwise app, on a track by track basis, and also interact with other like minded souls.

Up to now, I’ve not marketed the Path officially. Partly this is because I wanted to ensure I could deliver the quality and quantities of materials I had planned. It looks like I can.

As a result, the chocks are coming off and the Path is well and truly open.

Go to my home page for more details …

… you can also sign up to the first Soundcast for free

… and listen to a sample from Arcanum, my third ambient album here