So it’s the end of another week and, for me, another week of blogging as part of the Ultimate Blog Challenge.
Next week I am starting a mini-series on Whole Brain Thinking and I will end the month with a mini-series on the Flavours of our Thoughts and the concept of Thought Loops that tie us in knots.
Big, big thanks to Michele Scism and Michelle Shaeffer for coming up with the idea – it’s been so much fun and has made some fabulous connections, several of which will be turning into business in the coming weeks.
As a respite from what has been a wonderfully busy month, weekends give us time to rest, gather our thoughts and plan the coming week.
Accordingly, this is the first in two short blogs on How to Have a Great Week.
How to Have a Great Week – Part 001
Before rushing into next week in the same way you handled the last, it’s time to make some notes of what just transpired.
1. Write down three things that didn’t go as well as you hoped
2. Write down three things you didn’t get done that you hoped to
3. Write down three habits or situations you found yourself in that you hope don’t get repeated next week
– then do nothing until tomorrow’s post which will show you how to make next week go amazingly well
Optionally, you may like to listen to this guided visualisation to make your internal chatter go quiet so that the inspirations for next week can percolate in …