At the end of last year, I had made a switch. Or more accurately a switch had been made for me. Instead of being an author who created meditations to augment his books, I became a full blown meditation creator and producer who has a portfolio of books on the side.
Insight Timer (the first 1)
Like many of these evolutions, it happened gradually and organically and I was about the last to notice. It took this publically available stat for it to really sink in – which increases daily.
See https://www.insighttimer.com/tomevans
Along Came IncentaHealth (the second 1)
In confirmation that this switch had been flicked, I was approached by Todd McGuire, the CTO of IncentaHealth, a wellness company headquartered in Denver, Colorado. They wanted to augment their wellness app to include meditations. At first they merely wanted to re-use some existing meditations but after a few chats it was obvious to us both that something had to be created from the ground up.
Along Came Eternell (the third 1)
I’d been musing anyway about using some new background music to give my new meditations a new energy and I had come across an amazing ambient music composer – and all round enlightened soul, as I subsequently found out. Initially I approached Eternell via Insight Timer about using his existing music. To my surprise and delight, he wanted to create something from the ground up too and produced new music to accompany my new meditation words.
You can find more of Eternell’s music on Insight Timer too …
This Made the Seven
Only one month after this collaboration came about, seven new meditations to help those on a weight loss or weight management programme came to be. I posted a sample of the seven on Insight Timer and it seemed to resonate …
See Eating Mindfully reviews …
You can listen to this introductory meditation to sample the delights of what we created together …
[smart_track_player url=”https://www.tomevans.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Introduction-to-the-Series.mp3″ title=”Introduction to Meditations for Weight Loss” artist=”Tom Evans” social=”true” image=”https://www.tomevans.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/weightLossMeditationLogo_333.jpg” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” download=”false”]