James MapesAuthor, actor, motivational speaker and stage hypnotist, James Mapes, shares his wisdom on who and what is really ‘driving the bus’ in our lives.

This podcast includes a 10 minute meditation at the end which should not be listened to if you are driving or operating machinery or flying a jumbo jet

[smart_track_player url=”https://audioboom.com/boos/3612665-the-rider-on-the-elephant.mp3″ title=”The Rider on the Elephant” artist=”James Mapes” image=”https://www.tomevans.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/James-Mapes-222-square.jpg” color=”6688aa” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Topics we explore:

  • How James made quantum leaps in his career
How vision propels us into the future
  • Fear as our teacher
  • Types of fear – primitive, delicious and illusory (six types)
  • Creating harmony between the rider and the elephant
  • Becoming a partner in our own wellness
  • Creating movement with Applied Imagination
  • The power of the pause

Useful Links

Find out more about James, his books and wisdom at:

James Mapes Main Web Site
Quantum Leap Thinking: An Owner’s Guide to the Mind
James Mapes, Mental Hacks to Achieve Your Goals on Avanoo

Mindful Timeful Kindful the book
Mindful Timeful Kindful on Avanoo
The 10 Minutes of Mindfulness Meditation … and more