The New Estate

vickiWVicki Wusche is already the author of three best-selling books on property investment. She explains how she came to publish her fourth book – The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd Century

“Now I first met Tom Evans was at a networking group I joined back in 2007. Shortly after I attended one of his book writing workshops. I have always wanted to write a book. My first books then followed primarily as a way to promote my business. They gave me a way to share the answers to questions I was being repeatedly asked – namely how I got started in property investment and how I have grown my business.

Early in March this year, I phoned Tom, as I occasionally do, for a chat. As we spoke, I explained that the first quarter of 2015 had lacked my normal focus and clear determination. He invited me over for a session and an opportunity to see if he could help me gain some more clarity.

When I left after three hours I had not only more clarity, but the outline and publishing strategy for a new book. A story. A major departure from my normal style or content.

Emerging from our session came The New Estate – a story about the future. It is a story about how we can change the future. A story of hope, and I hope inspiration.

Surprisingly, Tom not only helped me gain clarity in my business, but a better sense of a new direction that I was looking for personally. Even more than that, because of his experience as an accomplished author in his own right, Tom understood how the speed and power self-publishing process could help me get to where I was going in ‘no time at all’.

Tom suggested that rather than publishing this story through my existing publisher, I could create a wave and movement with more momentum with indie publishing. From the first conversation with Tom, the writing of the book, its editing and design, through to its appearance on the Kindle store took just five weeks.

Along the way, I found an easier way to write. I discovered that there are no (writers) blocks but just learnings. As a result of using Tom’s methodologies, the book literally just flowed as if I was taking dictation.

Time itself took on an ethereal quality. I would sit down to write and the next thing I knew, another 3000 words had popped out. I could not stop the words flowing once I’d truly connected to my Muse.

Everything just arrived perfectly formed. As a result, I now know that The New Estate : Insights from the 22nd Century, will play a key role in developing my business. At the same time, it will broaden my speaking profile to being one of a divergent thinker, thought leader and inspiration to business owners.”

One Big Coincidence

OBBL-logoI am thrilled and honoured to have been selected as one of the ten authors of CompletelyNovel’s One Big Book Launch on the 3rd June.

New Magic for a New EraThe new book that I am launching, New Magic for a New Era, explores how we can live a magical life where opportunity turns up around every corner and serendipity lands at our feet.

The book was inspired by the most amazing and incisive business coach I have met in recent years called Lea Woodward. Lea pointed out that although I’d written 10 books (at the time), I had not told my story. This was at the end of October 2014.

My initial reaction was that my life was boring as nothing particularly bad had happened to me and that I had lived a rather charmed life. Lea pointed out that the secret of how I had pulled this off was exactly what was worth sharing.

Thanks to CompletelyNovel, and a bit of time bending, by the end of February 2015, I had print copies of the book in my hands and it was available on for Kindle and in print worldwide. The flood of five star reviews that followed on Amazon quickly convinced me that there is an appetite for a book on this theme.

As it says in the book, “There is no need to go to hell and back, unless you want to”.

The book tells of my transition from being a BBC broadcast engineer to author, author’s mentor, meditation guide and temporal alchemist. It’s involved a transition from one side of the camera and microphone to the other.

In the early 80s, as part of this journey, I left the BBC, spent some time at Sony and ended up forming an independent engineering company in London. The launch of Channel 4 had created a huge demand for independent production companies and their equipment needed servicing and maintaining. I ended up at the right place at the right time.

My offices were located at AKA Film & TV Studios at 60 Farringdon Rd.

Roll the clock on over 30 years and I’m now ‘engineering’ books not cameras. So imagine my surprise when I discover the location of the One Big Book Launch. It’s only at the Free Word Centre now based at 60 Farringdon Rd!

Now that is One Big Coincidence!

Creating an Abundance Spiral

Clocks of MoneyNow I am no economist or financial expert but my understanding of the current system of money is that, for many, it is based upon the creation and maintenance of a Spiral of Debt.

What this means is that some people who have money, or access to it, make more and more money by lending it to people who don’t have enough of it.

If the people it is lent to use it to create or build more wealth from it and therefore are using it to ease cash flow, then this is a Good Thing. If however it is being used to make ends meet, it’s a Not So Good thing.

Touch wood, I have always been fortunate when it comes to having enough cash. As I mention in my new book, New Magic for a New Era, I was born into a relatively poor family and was one of seven kids to Irish Catholic, but hard working, parents. Since I left home, I have never been short of cash but do not profess to be loaded, just replete with all I ever need.

I am not qualified, or minded, to change the financial systems of the world or to share the secrets of how to win the lottery or to manifest a million dollars. I can however, with some congruence, share the secrets of how to allow all the cash you need, and more, pop along into your life just when you need it.

I’ve distilled the secret of how I do it into a self study course called Abundant Thinking which reveals the secret behind the alchemy of money generation.

My aim and intent for this course is to generate an Abundance Spiral which counteracts the current financial model. When used on an individual basis, it brings both money and all kinds of other benefits to your world. When used collectively, we make ‘change’ of a different kind.

Watch this short video to find out more …

How to Start Thinking Abundantly

The Abundant Thinking course is available for the relatively small investment of just £33 – you can get it here today !!

The number 33 is important as are the terms and conditions. There is no early bird discount nor a money back after 7 days offer (your statutory rights of course apply under the EU Distance Selling Regulations).

These measures are reflective of an old energy system based upon fear. This course will change and enhance your energy level so you can elevate yourself out and away from such devices. Within a week of taking this course, you will get a return on your investment equal to or greater than £33. It may be though not in cash but in wealth and health generation of a more priceless kind.

As I want as many people as possible to benefit from this program and I realise that, for some, even £33 might be a bit too much to spend right now. For this reason, there is an even lower investment you can make to dip your toe in the water of a more magical world.

For just £3.33 (for Kindle) or £9.99 (in print), you can get my new book, New Magic for a New Era which includes a chapter on money. Just reading this chapter will change your energy and begin to create a new flow in your life. Note that there is magic just in the numbers!

What’s more, by merely buying the book, you qualify to get access to my course on the Magic of Meditation (worth £12) for free …

Get the book here …

and here’s where you can then get my Meditation Magic course

… and don’t take my word for it, some feedback from people who are on an Abundance Spiral

“I seem to have more money in my bank account than I’ve had in a very long time. Synchronicities are showing up like crazy! I feel more grounded and healthy in mind and spirit than ever!”

“One week in after listening to it and clients are turning up out of the blue and sending me money before I even start working for them.”

“Understanding how money and my thoughts are interlinked has changed my world-view at a fundamental level. Thanks Dickens for the Micawber Principle!”

and read this blog by Judith Morgan about her immediate Return on Investment

Getting Famous Publicity

Road to TreeEvery so often, it’s a good idea to take stock and reflect on where you’ve been before zooming off to new pastures and the scaling of new heights.

On this sunny Friday afternoon, after the most amazing week, I feel now is about that time.

This is the year that I plan to come out from the shadows and share the gifts I have been blessed with. In about 10 years, I have undergone some sort of ‘upgrade’ from bored IT consultant through to intuitive healer, spiritual mentor and guide, channel and general weaver of magic. This is an amazing blessing but presents itself with a challenge.

How do you take this story, along with the proposition of my books, courses and services, to the market?

Well, I consider myself a very lucky and fortunate chap and this year I have been blessed with the help and support of Tina Fotherby and her amazing team at Famous Publicity. This short interview tells the story of how we are going about it.

What we’ve done in 3 months

– created an active SourceWire feed
– created a mind calming meditation and ebook on why it’s madness not to meditate
– created a Valentine’s Day meditation
– become a contributor to Soul and Spirit Magazine

– plus an interview on BBC Radio Sussex, syndication of the press releases on numerous blogs and an up and coming article and book promotion competition on a well-being portal.

What’s coming up

– an Evans-sent initiative to get the whole world meditating
– a book launch event for New Magic for a New Era
– a series of webinars and workshops based on my magical ecourses
– launch of my personal transformation programme, Awaken Your Inner Magician

I’ll report back in a few months to let you know how its all going – in the meantime, eternal thanks to Tina, George and team !

The lowest cost apple watch

If we all take a little me time each day, our world and the world as a whole would be a much calmer and enjoyable place to be. Watch this short two minute video to open the door to a better world.

After watching it at the start of every day for a week, you will notice the following:

  • Decreased stress
  • Increased luck
  • Increased vitality
  • Increased creativity
  • Increased productivity